
Five Stages of Grief


Regarding Glitch closing, what stage are you on?

Posted 12 years ago by Eye Wonder Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • Depression I think.... Or floating between depression and acceptance.
    Posted 12 years ago by Fern Connelly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The sixth stage: Helping others.
    Posted 12 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Big bag of potato chips and a chocolate cake stage. 0_0
    Posted 12 years ago by Stormy Weather Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was at the Acceptance stage 12 hours after the closing was announced. I'm a realist.

    And after playing almost daily for a year, I hardly come here at all after the announcement. To me, Glitch is already gone. And I'm okay with that.
    Posted 12 years ago by Perion Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think I'm slipping from depression to I barely come on anymore as Perion said. I would love to spend my last few weeks on Glitch having a blast, but I can't bring myself to it. So, maybe depression still. :(
    Posted 12 years ago by Shrimpables Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Depression. Ayup.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kittn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Depression. But, this crazy toy feat was a really nice thing for TS to do. Why is racing cubimals so fun?
    Posted 12 years ago by Axa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am at the " what do I do now" phase... 
    Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think I'm between depression and sadness. When I get to thinking about all the things I've yet to do, or all the people I've yet to meet, it really gets me down.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kurtie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Depression to acceptance. I find it hard to let go that the things I planned to do (collect all cubimals, fully expand tower, etc) and the people I would have met I just get a little bit sadder. It is quite hard to let go of this wonderful game. On the other hand I have started to try and find a game that will partially fill the void that Glitch will leave. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Llewella Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I never really hit an anger phase... I jumped ahead of it. But right now, I'm at Acceptance. Though, when I try to load up the game just to gather memories, I slip back into the Depression phase.
    Posted 12 years ago by Seeen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was at depression. Now with the feats and new regions and stuff, I'm back to denial. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Kristabel Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Denial yesterday, now acceptance. But anger when it closes. NO, WAIT! I DIDN'T REALLY ACCEPT IT! COME BACK HERE, GLITCH!
    Posted 12 years ago by OMG BACON!! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Finally in Acceptance.
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie✿, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This sums it up pretty well for me... 5 stages of grief
    Posted 12 years ago by Telegard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I hope my response doesn't seem too flip.  I usually go through a short but very numbing depression right to emergency response mode (where I'm at right now), then I run the whole gambit backward and cattiwompus several months later.

    In the very worst of disasters, I've never really seen denial, yet.  I might yet, if my house ever goes to foreclosure.  But, I have experienced denial when I've been out of money or late with homework...  I feel like my brain is kinda screwed up.
    Posted 12 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm enjoying what we have now.  

    We have awesome place filled with wonderful people.  

    And it's all even more lovely now. 
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Acceptance fuelled by chocolate, although maybe I'm slipping backward as I am feeling slightly hyperactive about trying to finish my tower not sure which stage that fits into.   I didn't do anger which suprises me as I often think I am an angry person.  I've decided not to look for something else to replace Glitch, as nothing can.    I'll probably step up the Minecraft a bit more when I get gaming time.  In terms of gaming to relax, which Glitch is superb at, I might pick up The Undergarden again on the PS.  I'll also use the newly formed facebook groups and proposed community sites to connect with other Glitchens and discuss the awesomeness that was Glitch.  I'm just thankful that life is so busy at the moment, as if this had happened a year or so ago when I played ALL the time it would have hit much, much harder  and it's hit hard enough so I feel for a lot of you and send you bear hugs.  

    I've followed some of the TS gang on Twitter so that I can look at any new stuff that might come along in the future.  
    Posted 12 years ago by icatchm0nkeys Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Bargaining, I guess. I have accepted that Tiny Speck has abandoned the game, but perhaps there's something the fans could do to preserve the game - or, at least, as much from the game as possible.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mercedes Kimura Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I kind of accepted it immediately. I was already looking at new games before the official anouncement on the home page.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ultra-Dynamic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was in the game every day until today, but....after last night when i was at parties and so forth....i was having a really hard  time of it, this was my home away from home, my way to relax, to not think about reality and to socialize, so now its a painful reminder of the fact that its going away, ...and this game and community were both so DAMN perfect in Soooo....many ways. I've been here for about 1/2 yrs active every day, abandoned all the other games that i dabbled in when i came here, ...and then in reality, my car was no-more, amongst other factors, i was here ALL the time. Had a fascination with the game, had real connections with people, i would of happily played this for many MANY years, the moment i have to try and focus on not what has been lost....which is rather impossible. I cant not go in, i have pics to snap, i have to finish the Memorial Tower, but i cant be here every day right now, its just too painful.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Denial. 

    Maybe if we get the supermega bonus during this feat glitch won't close at all?

    That has to be it.  Glitch can't close.  What were they thinking?!  Not funny, tiny speck.
    Posted 12 years ago by whimpypotato Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Finally in Acceptance, but still harboring a tiny speck (heh) of hope that someday Glitch will be resurrected. It's not goodbye, just good night for now, Groddle.
    Posted 12 years ago by miss_celani Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am still in Depression.  I may climb out of it but I doubt I will ever come to total Acceptance,  I still have not gotten over Faunasphere.  (Brib Annie)
    Posted 12 years ago by Quilty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Depression, because it's really hard for me to even log in. In my head, I want to be here getting as much Glitch in as possible, but it makes my heart hurt to be here and know that it won't be for much longer.
    Posted 12 years ago by Liathea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I leapt straight to Acceptance, but that was because I was already grieving a much bigger, more personal loss... I just didn't have the energy for the other stages.

    Not that it doesn't make me sad. It does. Very much.
    Posted 12 years ago by Cefeida Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I moved into acceptance pretty quick, and got called some rather rude names by other glitches for it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pixieyelsraek Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, Pixie, I keep seeing people in different stages lashing out at each other in Global. People who have reached Acceptance get annoyed with those who are still Bargaining, those who are in Depression are upset with the Acceptance crowd...
    Posted 12 years ago by Cefeida Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cefeida - I do think if we don't move into the acceptance stages, we are doing TS and ourselves a disservice. Can't have a proper wake in bargaining or denial stage. Glitch should go out with a party! Celebrate the time we've spend here, rather than fighting about it, or begging TS to change their mind.

    ETA: that's not putting down anyone who hasn't moved into that stage yet, or belittling anyone's method of grief.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pixieyelsraek Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Depression, because I' depression. I've upped my sadness production by about 50% since the announcement.

    Not everyone can move on so easily, and I don't really care if it's doing anyone a "disservice". Talk to my doctor brah.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pyrrhocorax Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Acceptance doesn't mean I'm not mourning. I'm sad as hell about losing Glitch. I think that's the big issue, people assume that acceptance means all happy scrappy, and it doesn't. It just means i'm not in denial. I'm not trying to sign petitions, or beg TS to hand Glitch over to the community. I'm not fooling myself into thinking something magical will happen in the next month to stop the end from happening. I'm celebrating the time I've been allowed to be here, however bittersweet these moments are currently. I'm not telling anyone not to be sad - if you love something, you should be sad when it is leaving/gone... But you can be sad AND accept the inevitable.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pixieyelsraek Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm doing depression and acceptance at the same time.  Which means the End is all I can think about.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ida Keen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I suppose I've accepted the announcement as fact, but honestly, when I first heard, I jumped straight to anger and have gradually moved towards betrayed and even more angry. I may accept it, but I'm still pretty mad about the whole thing. I feel lied to and think we deserved better than a total shutdown with no warning that things were not going well before it got to this point.

    And honestly, I don't care about sappy poems or odes to the game/developers and all of the gushy thank you posts. I've mostly kept quiet because I am angry and anything I have to say would be very rude and hateful, but I am not full of sweet nostalgia. I am full of anger everytime I think about it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Coley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Denial, anger and depression, all at once.
    I keep coming back, waiting for a message that Glitch has been saved, that it'll keep running. I can't bring myself to play because it hurts so much. The worst part is the stupid hope that keeps clinging on. I can't accept that the second game I've ever enjoyed is going. I did try looking for other games, but nothing compares.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lady SleepsAlot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Stage of greif? Why would I be greiving it isn't like Glitch is going anywhere. We will be playing Glitch forever.
    Posted 12 years ago by koolaroo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm cycling around and around.  Most of the time it is denial because how is it possible for a game so well made, so creative, so brilliant, so loved, so superior to all other games ever invented to just ... end?!  It makes no sense to me at all!

    A few minutes earlier, when I read Coley's response, anger flared in me too, for the same reason - why were we not warned?  Why were we given no chance to try and save the game?

    At all times I stand ready to bargain - give me a chance to do something to save Glitch and I am there!

    Every time I think about Glitch now I feel sad and I tend to come here mostly in hope that a reprieve has been announced even though I know it probably won't happen.

    I accept that the game will close as scheduled but I don't like it and I don't want it to happen and I will always hope someone will find a way to open it up again one day.

    Posted 12 years ago by Reni's Mum Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Acceptance.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sororia Rose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • depression
    Posted 12 years ago by ☠ lala512 ☠ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am at resigned acceptance. I cried for about an hour at first and was in severe depression for yet another game that I loved being taken away. Then I went to bargaining and figured that maybe I should do something more with my life other than play video games all day. Then I went looking for an alternative (something like denial). Now, since I have found nothing to satisfy me -I have come to accept that I have two weeks to make the most of this game and get email addy's for friends before the end.
    Posted 12 years ago by Holly Waterfall Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I keep flip flopping between stages. I am a realist and know it cant be saved, and odds are we will try to find another game, but that doesnt mean i LIKE that fact. Primarily though I'm in acceptance. But i keep dropping back into depression. Part of me in in bargaining, if there was any way to save this game, i would of chipped in to do it, i don't have a ton of money, but i would of contributed. I adore this quirky game, loved the people , and believed i could trust the staff. Don't get me wrong I know they worked hard, treated us fairly, and were kind, and answered our concerns...BUT, i still feel betrayed. I keep thinking we would of tried our damndest to save it....why werent we TOLD ...SOMETHING!!! Which of course leads back to anger. And with that im depressed again....:(

    Flip flopping like this is normal for me,in general so  id be more surprised if i stayed in one stage:(
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I keep cycling through. I've had Denial off and on. Acceptance a couple of times. Bargaining, strangely, not once yet.  Depression off and on. Anger a couple of times, but with odd stuff. 

    Kinda reminds me of Monk, if you ever watched that. He cycled through eat phase about every 15 seconds, over and over. That's me. I'm hoping, in my cycling, I'm moving toward Acceptance more each time. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Wynella Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It seems pretty clear to me that we shouldn't be calling these the Stages of Grief, but rather the Modes of Grief.  There's no particular order of importance to them.  They're all a part of grief, and everyone moves through them differently.
    Posted 12 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Not really in Acceptance as I felt earlier about two to three weeks before there was a darkness of something coming in Glitch the game ,must admit did not know what is was but after loosing Faunasphere which truly devistated all of the players or most ,I guess I got tougher with closers.I think helpiing and giving others now is very importent to help lift their very saddness of loosing such a wonderful time we all had with this magnificent developed game.Prayers for all the staff that they soon get new places to work and we all find a new place to be happy.If anyone needs anything please IM if I can help you.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jellybelly Baby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm mostly apathetic about the whole thing. Sure, there's new stuff being released/dumped, but I'm no longer excited about it. Craftybot: whoo. Feat: yippee. Thousand TP's a day: great.

    I mean, I might decide to take my 2,500-3,000 musicblocks out of storage and mass donate them, just to see how purging feels. My main goal in the last few months was to hoard as much as possible, to see if I could fill SDBs; but there's no possibility–or point–to it now.
    Posted 12 years ago by dm Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I went through all those stages when Faunasphere closed, but this feels like major deja-vu, so I just went straight to acceptance.... with a bit of sorrow threaded through (not quite depression).
    Posted 12 years ago by Shepherdmoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, apathy! That was one...once it was announced I was like, oh. Okay. No point in playing anymore.

    Then I came back but I'm still pretty meh about playing...I like to see a future ahead.
    Posted 12 years ago by Cefeida Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I guess I'm not grieving. Upon learning Glitch will be no more, my reaction was something along the lines of, "well, that's a bummer." Witnessing the variety of reactions from players as they move through these stages has been revealing. I had no idea how impactful this game has been on the lives of so many players.
    Posted 12 years ago by MG Liuli Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think I'm still on Depression. Maybe moving slightly toward acceptance -- if only because every time I log on I get depressed thinking about how much I'll miss this world! I never started with anger, though. Nor did I face denial. I went straight from gut-punched shock to despair.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lilycat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Acceptance with a hint of depression. I want to still play yet when I get here i just seem to wonder around aimlessly. I am at a loss as what to do any more and this makes me very sad. If I had lost my DS cartridge for example I could buy another one and start over. But closed is total and final. I will get over it and find another pastime but ....

    edit, I also never once felt anger or denial
    Posted 12 years ago by Misha Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So many posts! Thank you my friends for taking part in this discussion. I feel like I'm in group therapy.

    I think I'm at depression. I want to play but it makes me sad. When I discover new things, or something totally awesome happens, I think to myself that's why I love this game and I could never explain it to anyone who hasn't played Glitch. This game gave me enlightenment moments that I don't think I will ever find in another game. 

    But for every ending is a new beginning, right? (......moves towards acceptance)
    Posted 12 years ago by Eye Wonder Subscriber! | Permalink
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