
Any Amature Programmers want to Design a Game

Hi Everyone!

I'm very sad that glitch is closing. In the upcoming freetime that will ensue I was wondering if there were any other at-home garage game designers who would like to collaborate on making a game.

I design and make pixel art. I'm not the best - but I like what I do. I've been working on a project off and on for a while now, but am also open to making something new.

I'd also be interested in picking the brain of other designers/programmers. So if you're interested let me know :D

Posted 12 years ago by Godiva Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I know a lot of game design stuff, and I know PHP and AJAX/JS/CSS/HTML (which equates to knowing HTML5). I don't necessarily have a huge amount of time since I will be going to college starting in January, but I am willing to help any project that forms from this community in whatever way I can.
    Posted 12 years ago by Daeldra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • cool! sending you a PM Daeldra
    Posted 12 years ago by Godiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I know a little bit about a bunch of things.

    I'm learning some as3 and trying to put together a little Flash tribute to Glitch currently...trying is the key word here though...  Flash is the only thing I can even sort of program in, other than HTML/CSS.

    I've also dabbled in pixel art and sprite creation as well as user interface design, icon creation, web and graphic design (through my work).  I also do some animating in Flash and After Effects at work.  

    I would definitely be interested in helping out -  I'd love to have some game creation experience to add to my repertoire!
    Posted 12 years ago by Dissonance Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I can defiantly lend a hand, I have been working on a game of my own and a few others for friends of mine. 
    I am also now working on the offline Glitch game. If you want my help I would be happy to lend you a hand. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Deus Marionette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I currently a very amateur programmer, but I intend to study computer science in college starting next year so I am planning on learning a lot more programming in the next few months (once I finish my college applications, which should be in a few days). I would love to get involved with this! I like the writing, design, art, and technical aspects, and I do know html and css.

    Basically, I am willing to learn as I go and put in a ton of effort, and starting in a few weeks I should have quite a bit of free time. I understand if you don't really need my help, but I thought I'd at least post. I think a game designed by Glitchen would be... do I make the pun or not.... bitchin'?
    Posted 12 years ago by jessie tea Subscriber! | Permalink