
What on UR can we do to keep Gltich open? Seriously.

Why weren't we informed before this horrible thing???  How many people did you need to keep going?  What did we need to buy?   What was the expected ROI, your burn rates?  I kinda doubt this community wouldn't go out and stab people in the toe if it would keep this game going.  So seriously, take a minute and tell us what would it take to keep Glitch open! 

You have thousands of people who will help out in any way we can.  Marketing?  Bug squashing?  Porting it to other platforms?  I mean there are a lot of very smart and dedicated people, and if we all work together perhaps we can make it happen?

Pretty please?

Posted 12 years ago by Wondre Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I think it was not any one item that caused this but a combination of things that can't be helped.  It's sad but this is not the first good game to go and won't be the last.  We must learn to move on.  I will take the great memories with me!
    Posted 12 years ago by Brib Annie Subscriber! | Permalink