
Group invite etiquette

There used to be a lovely etiquette where you only invited players to groups once, and only if you knew the player had a reasonable chance of being interested. All of a sudden, I'm getting second and sometimes third invitations to end-of-the-world groups from players who have no reason to think I'd be interested in them. My email account is set to receive notifications from Glitch because I like to see friend requests so these repeat group invites spam my email account.

I also don't understand why declining to join a group once isn't good enough and I have to decline repeatedly. It's really rude to ignore my answer and ask a second and even a third time. Please, can we go back to announcing groups in the forums and only inviting once, and only if you are reasonably certain the person is interested?

Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Lucille-generally speaking, if you leave the invitation active and neither accept nor decline (i.e. do nothing) on Glitch then you will not get another invite. Delete all your emails and you will be fine. Plus, now there are only two weeks left anyway.
    Posted 12 years ago by Holly Waterfall Subscriber! | Permalink