
Can anyone explain to me how Glitchium calculates achievement rarity?

Does it count all players in the game, or what?

Posted 12 years ago by Reirei Umezaki Subscriber! | Permalink


  • If no players (in the Glitchium database) have the achievement, that's the most rare.

    If 1 player has it, that's the next most rare.

    As more and more players get it, it becomes less and less rare.

    Posted 12 years ago by SchWM Subscriber! | Permalink
  • No, I was wondering how they calculate the percentages. It looks like they count only about 90k Glitchen, while it seems like there are a bit more in the leaderboards. Do they count everyone with one achievement or what?
    Posted 12 years ago by Reirei Umezaki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It is based on how many people have that particular achievement as Schwm said. It isn't a percentage of the Glitch population as a whole from what I understand. I think I'm not wording this right. I need something to eat first.
    Posted 12 years ago by Cleops Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitchium looks at players who are brought to its attention, by someone (whether the player themselves or some curious third party) entering their name into one of their search boxes.  They may have initially seeded their data in some other way, I don't know.
    Posted 12 years ago by Fnibbit Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Your best bet would be to ask TomC, as glitchium is his site.
    Posted 12 years ago by Voluptua Sneezelips Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The data came from the official total counts, which were displayed on the "[Player name] has earned the ____ achievement" pages. Unfortunately those pages actually disappeared shortly after the Glitch closing announcement so now there is no way to obtain official counts now (the pages also had the magic rock quotes when you earned a badge). Those pages never showed hidden achievements so counts for hidden achievements are based on only a partial sample of scanned players. The total count is based on the leaderboards count for people with at least 1 achievement.
    Posted 12 years ago by TomC Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Awww that's so sad. :( Thanks for the answer, though.
    Posted 12 years ago by Reirei Umezaki Subscriber! | Permalink