
Ghost Hunting

For those of you still searching for the 7 ghosts of Notice the Unnoticeable quest, I'd like to share the resources I've been using for my Ghost Walks, and point out some errors in them.

Glitch Remote lists 40 ghost streets but it misses the 5 in Poolokoo, and the 4 in Callopee. So, the total is 49 streets.  Also, the Chakra Phool map highlights ghost streets, but one is wrong/misplaced.  Instead of Dalsan Detach, it should be Iljoki Ease. 

Glitch Strategy Wiki for ghosts lists 48 streets (with Ghost pictures!), including the ones on Poolokoo, but misses MitMit Meets.  Thanks to Ghost Walker Misty Mountain for discovering this!  A further problem with MitMit Meets is that the ghost heartbeat is there, but it does not appear, even if you have the Faded Heart.  Look between the Beryl and Sparkly at upper right, top.

If you are new to ghost hunting, turn off the music and turn up the effects (headphone).  If you hear a heartbeat, mouse over places above and between things.  Some ghosts are obscured by trees!  Look for faint fireflies, and the ghost appears when you point to it.  Be aware you might not have a heartbeat sound, but keep looking!

Good luck and happy Glitching!
Edited to add Callopee.  Thank you Kip Konner!
Update #2 - Ghost in Kloro, making total of 50 locations - See below.

Posted 12 years ago by WallyMcBeal Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Thanks for posting this. I *just* found my last ghost a few days ago, I hope everyone still looking finds them.
    Posted 12 years ago by JohnaMarie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There are also 4 unlisted locations in Calloppee:
    Yebeg Yobs
    Paodoo Lets
    Vekke Vets
    Keywot Whot

    I can't locate the ghost the OP mentions in Mitmit Meets, even with my faded heart.

    In the meantime, Kurtie and I are leading TWO ghost tours Fri. and Sat., Dec. 7 & 8. Fri. the 7th begins at 6pm PST and Sat. the 8th begins at 3pm PST. Both days, we're starting from opposite ends of our route, meeting for a party in the middle, and carrying on from there. Meet at Sambossa Bossa (Pollokoo) or Tharon Spelunk (Ilmenskie Deeps). This tour will include all of the standard 40 locations PLUS all of the locations recently discovered. 49 locations! Expect this to take 2-3 hours. Bring survival snacks and drinkies. Wear the polka-dot top hat so we can stick together!
    Posted 12 years ago by Kip Konner Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Newly Found Ghost Location!

    Kloro -- Morchelle Lepiota - dark area just left of the right side signposts.

    Thanks to Ghost Hunter Keechie for the info!
    Posted 11 years ago by WallyMcBeal Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wow, thanks for posting this, guys!
    Posted 11 years ago by kalsangikid Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for posting! It helped kick my butt about finding my last few ghosts. As it happened, what I really needed to do was go back to Chakra Phool, where I hadn't spent much time since before receiving the quest, and I found the last three very quickly there!
    Posted 11 years ago by akatonbo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • oh i'd love to do the ghost tour but I'm in Australia and the time zones do my head in :(
    thanks for the info!
    Posted 11 years ago by Oble Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Reminder that there's a ghost tour in just 2 hours! Info here!
    Posted 11 years ago by Kurtie Subscriber! | Permalink