
Glitchy (single-player) RPG: Lili

As soon as I started playing this game, I found it very Glitch-like. I don't really want to say any more than that; you can have a look at it here:

I'm not affiliated in any way, I just noticed it some website was saying that on sale from US$4.99 to $0.99 it was a terrific deal on a great game. I have no idea how long the sale will last but so far I agree.

It's only for iOS so far, it seems, and make sure you check the list of devices supported. I have a first-gen iPad so I can only play it on iPhone. There is "combat," meaning that there is a speed element to the game, but it's not about death and dismemberment. You attack Spirits by trying to pluck flowers out of them and you never die, you just get thrown off and jump up to try again. So even though there is a timing aspect, it's extremely forgiving.

If you get it, I'd be interested to know what you think.

Posted 12 years ago by ZenMonkey Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Well, I gave it a try, but I'm not sure I see the Glitchiness.

    In particular, the combat (in which you ambush and rip the soul-flowers out of unsuspecting NPCs) seems to be just that, and since the game objectives are things like "go and defeat 3 sprits then come back", "go and defeat 5 spirits then come back", there is no way to advance without it.

    If you don't mind the combat it seems like a nice enough little game on its own terms though. Thanks for the recommendation.
    Posted 12 years ago by Woggle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I wasn't recommending it as a replacement for Glitch. Just a game that Glitchen who are iOS gamers might enjoy.
    Posted 12 years ago by ZenMonkey Subscriber! | Permalink