
Where is my REFUND - or - follow the money -bye bye

I hear that you guys are returning our money- Were is it - I need it - in my case I used a pre-paid cards so that is no longer working so how do I handle this??? On my wifes account that she is a big fan there is big refund - I am a disabled Veteran and we are tight on a very low fixed income. 

So were do I got TS - Who do I contact - or - shall I say it - all gone in a wisp of the night - the door are close so - I hear you knocking but you can't come in-- 

Let see the real HONOR with TS - deliver  

Posted 12 years ago by GaTo420 Subscriber! | Permalink


  • If you've already read your refund page, you've seen this:

    "This will take some time to wrap up since there is not always a simple way to process the payments — credit cards expire or are cancelled, PayPal accounts are closed, etc. — and we may need to collect additional information from you in order to process your refund. We will work backwards from the most recent payments to the oldest payments."

    You could try opening a help ticket with your information if you need to expedite the process.
    Posted 12 years ago by Aleph Zero Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wit, so you're living on a tight income, but you (or your wife) is spending money on digital goods?  You really need to write out a budget before either of you gets hooked on another game.

    Sorry if I sound like a dick.  I guess I'm still in the Anger/Depression phase.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jardex Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Why don't you mind your own business and stop telling me what and how to live my mice- I don't give a f&^k what your problems are - Mind your own business this about ME and TS and getting my and my wifes money -

    Get a life and try living in the real world JERK--- F--U  
    Posted 12 years ago by GaTo420 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You could try opening a help ticketn - does anyone know WHERE to file a HELP TICKET --
    Posted 12 years ago by GaTo420 Subscriber! | Permalink
    Posted 12 years ago by Yeti Spaghetti Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I thought I heard squeaking.
    Posted 12 years ago by Benzyl Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is my message to you-oo-ooo, don't worry, about a thing, cause every little thing, gonna be alright!
    Posted 12 years ago by Goodnight Groddle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Your post is probably the most offensive and disappointing comment I have ever read on these forums.

    I would say that it is very classy act on behalf of TS to offer refunds at all. They didn't have to do this, and it shows the incredible amount of integrity that TS has and the respect they have for the community. You are not owed anything, the fees you paid were for game time you have already used.

    I'm am sorry to hear that your personal circumstances are difficult, and I hope the best for you and for your circumstances to improve, but this doesn't give you the right to be abusive to TS or to other members of the community. TS is working on processing the refunds, and I am sure they would go out of their way to help you in your specific circumstances, but your approach leaves alot to be desired and might I say, not very Glitch like.
    Posted 12 years ago by Telegard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "Get a life and try living in the real world JERK--- F--U"
    Um no not cool. Your the one who is being disrespectful. Ts is working on getting refunds to those who requested them be grateful you are getting a full refund I've never seen a game company, a small one at that, give away full refunds.
    So be nice and call people jerks even if you a suposedly a "disabled Veteran".
    Posted 12 years ago by koolaroo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • don't feed the troll.
    Posted 12 years ago by Moehr Ossum Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wit, so you're living on a tight income, but you (or your wife) is spending money on digital goods? You really need to write out a budget before either of you gets hooked on another game.

    Yeah, there's probably a more civil way that this dude could've posted this, but seriously, where do you get off ragging on how other people spend their money? Asshole.

    Anyway, OP, since they've given you until November 30th to change your mind about the refunding, I'd assume that you have to wait til at least then to get it. Tiny Speck is usually pretty quick about help requests and the like, though, so I bet if you send a help ticket you'll get a response. (You should probably have your wife do that under her account, though.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Pixel Dirigible Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Telegard

    The abusive post by GaTo420 is completely against the founding tenets of Glitch.  Using the phrase "disabled veteran" as an excuse to act like an uneducated boor gives disabled veterans a bad name. 

    I commend Glitch for offering refunds at all, particularly given their small size.  Tiny Speck isn't Walmart - they're a group of passionate and brilliant folks working their asses off to make a great game -- and they succeeded!  That the game isn't financially sustainable shouldn't feed the overblown sense of entitlement harbored by a petulant few.
    Posted 12 years ago by Felicia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Where are these founding tenets written? Did I miss a memo?
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 shhexy

    Asking for a refund? Hey, people have money issues, veteran or not. Getting in their business is dickish. As I also dislike having people tell me how to live, I'd probably have said something similar to the OP. But it wouldn't have been disenvowelled.
    I get that people think getting a refund is an abomination of some kind. But I get money problems, and how it's not my place to tell others how to live.

    Time is short. Go play.
    Posted 12 years ago by Djabriil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sigh... guys, what we have here is a TROLL. If nothing else, look at his twitter feed or "personal" website. He claims to be a workaholic in the IT field with a drug problem, and quite the wannabe hacktivist... yeah.... out of work disabled vet my ass. nothing more to see here, i suggest we move on.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pixieyelsraek Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "... high on troll science"

    Note the operative word there.
    Posted 12 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 telegard
    Posted 12 years ago by Willy wanker Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I hope TS gives you a refund....after everyone else gets theirs.

    Holy shit you are just rude.  You win the prize!
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Here is a link to open a ticket with Glitch. Your attitude is very un-Glitchy, though.
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie?, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • How about thinking about the staff that have lost their jobs, just before Christmas. I know one staff member who is at their wits end, how they are going to manage. TS are giving money back, which they don't have to by law. Stoot, is feeling very sad that he has had to close down his baby, the last few weeks he has pulled out the stops, so we have fun using and seeing new things. I agree with elf's comment above.
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Melody Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "Sigh... guys, what we have here is a TROLL"


    Ignore him.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sare Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @OP: You are a douche. 
    <you get a badge!>
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • From his profile:

    A gAtO for the millennium. Digital 420 - high on troll science. A diversified multicultural postmodern cyber warrior - uscyberlabs_dot_com

    in other words, a troll.
    Posted 12 years ago by Goddess Freya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • sheesh.
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "A gAtO for the millennium. Digital 420 - high on troll science. A diversified multicultural postmodern cyber warrior" is a play on George Carlin's "A Modern Man".

    I suspect the "I'm a vet and I'm entitled" caricature is Carlin too, although I can't place the sketch.
    Posted 12 years ago by Woggle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Closing this thread. There's an official update over here:
    Posted 12 years ago by Little Poundcake Subscriber! | Permalink