
A Poem to Glitch

Goodbye Glitch, I am going to miss you much.
I'll very much miss squeezing chickens and such.

And levitating in the air, and nibbling on a pig
and shrinking for no reason to the size of a twig.

Yeah, there have been many a good memory,
Playing with beakers, and all sorts of chemistry.

And then there is the mining!
And LOTS of refining.
All of this work and forgetting timing,
Running out of energy and ending up dying!
Going to hell where moving is really boring,
Getting back from Hell and movements feel soaring!

And then realizing that you are almost dead!
and going to your home to really get fed.

Then socializing with all of your friends,
Chatting, saying hi, and making lends!

This experience has been great!
And I am sure you can relate.

It's really too bad that Glitch has to close....
But let's not let our spirits decompose!

Posted 12 years ago by FTW BACON!! Subscriber! | Permalink
