
But... Couldn't it be that... Maybe...

Well, I noticed I finally broke the million IMG barrier, and I thought of how many glitchens must there be out there with similar huge amounts of imagination inside them. So I sorta wondered...

...Yes, it's silly, I know...

...But... But...

...Wasn't Glitch all about imagining the world? So maybe... (sniff)  ...maybe we can imagine very very hard, with all of our little glitchen souls... Maybe if we hug really close together... 

...No, it's not a tear. I just got something in my eye, you silly glitch...

...But maybe if we behave really really good... All of us?

Really, I would give all of my IMG for this...

...Just one more day of Ur? With my friends? And the non-friends, too!


Posted 12 years ago by Ayzad Subscriber! | Permalink
