
About refund....odd question (debit card number stolen - bug ticket filed, but I'm not sure they are being read anymore)

I have been having a terrible terrible day.  Today, I logged into my bank account and noticed that my account has been hacked and someone has been going to strip joints in St. Petes floriday, buying movies online in Alabama, and trying to pay a college bill in Kansas, as well as a trip from Result is, my debit card used with glitch was turned off.

The refund process is already happening, but I think it will end up being denied.  I have my husbands card that links to the same bank account, but I'm not sure how to add it, who to talk to, etc.

I know the forums is not the right place for this, but I wasnt sure where else to post something knowing that the help thing isnt being answered anymore.  So .......Help?  Please. 

Posted 12 years ago by Innie?, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink


  • From the Official Refund thread:
    "An Update to the Update from the Department of Refunds (12/3/12)

    We'll be contacting all of you who have requested a refund to verify that your original payment method is still a valid place for us to refund your money. If your credit card was cancelled, your PayPal account closed, whatever, you'll have a chance to tell us what to do instead."

    So it looks like you will be ok :)
    Posted 12 years ago by TinkerToy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yeh but see, I verified it last night..........before I realized what was happening with my bank.
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie?, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The best option is probably to send in a help case with the info:

    (edit: I just noticed the title said you already sent one - I think there's probably someone there who will still see it)
    Posted 12 years ago by Varaeth Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Please send a help case for all things of this nature! We will deal with it promptly.
    Posted 12 years ago by Little Poundcake Subscriber! | Permalink