
A story of the end

There was much she'd done and much she had longed to do.  Bio wished she could bring Usher to see this, but the young butler refused to leave his post, even for the end of the world.  She wished she could relieve him of duty, but she knew he would refuse her.  Perhaps she would return to see him just as the end was coming.  She gave a weak sigh and looked back up at the moon.  Awn Terio was the most beautiful place in the world, and though the wind howled and chilled her straight to the bone (being a reptile was not an easy thing to do in an icy place like Nottis), she would not leave her place there.

Though Samudra would always be her favorite, there was no one place there she could see herself spending her last moments.  She could not bear to go out without being able to see the sky.  Though the young dragon had never grown wings, she had poured her heart and her soul into learning to fly, and while swimming in the depths of the ocean did feel like flying, she knew it just wasn't the same.

Bio looked back again from the crescent moon to the bottle in her hands.  Wine of the dead.  Should she drink it before the time came?  The cork made a loud pop as she removed it, echoing across the empty, frozen landscape.  The drink nearly touched her lips before she set it back down next to her.  Not yet.  Maybe not ever.  It wasn't time yet.

She thought back to her life.  Though she was a young Glitch, she had traveled far and wide across Ur and had completed her map of the world.  She had seen every street.  Maybe she should return to her home, spend her final moments with someone.  As she was about to stand up and think her way home, a hand pressed itself against her shoulder.

A stitched-on face greeted her as she turned.  Usher.  He'd left his post at the end of it all.  A yeti cried out in the distance (or maybe it was just the wind, but she always wanted to believe the former), and Usher leapt a bit.  He'd never left his home street before and seemed terrified of this strange, cold place.

Bio took him up in her arms.  His body was soft like terry cloth, and... well, okay, he probably was made of terry cloth.  She set him in her lap and took out a few toys to keep their minds off the cold.  The wine was left forgotten in the snow, never to be drunk, and it is said that to the end of time, the sounds of Glitchen laughter and the gentle whirr and click of cubimal gears could be heard echoing over the frozen lake.

Posted 12 years ago by Bio the Dragon Subscriber! | Permalink
