

(As stolen and adapted from Tenacious D's 'Tribute')
This is the best and greatest game in the world.... tribute.

A long time ago my friend sent me this invite
To a strange and quirky MMO
But then I played it
And it shined like a beacon
The world's greatest MMO

It said to us,
"Play the best game in the world
It'll eat your souls"
Me and my friends, we looked at each other
And we each said

So we played this game for a good long while
It just so happened to be
The best game in the world
It was the best game in the world
Look at all my badges, it's easy to see
All those prime numbers in harmony
It captured me

I'd wander round Ur every day or so
Where did the sun did shine and the vendors did float
And the trants did grow

Needless to say
We all were stunned
All that whimsy in one game!
And it still wasn't done
I asked Tiny Speck
"Be ye angels?"
And they said, "Nay! We are but men!"

This is not the greatest game in the world
This is just a tribute
Had to stop playing the greatest game in the world
So I wrote this tribute

To the greatest game in the world, all right
It was the funnest game in the world (damn right)
Yeah it was the best chicken-squeezin' game
The greatest game in the world
All right?

The greatest thing about it was this, my friends
The game we were playing all that time in alpha and beta
It was totally one of a kind!
But it existed
You've gotta believe it
And I'm glad I was there
Just a matter of opinion

Posted 12 years ago by Elizabeth Park-Fowl Subscriber! | Permalink
