
A Personal Story

In September 2011, a shade over a year ago, I took my first uncertain steps into Ur, emerging into Isalan Interval, Alakol, laughing with delight at the oddities I beheld. Things were looking up and my life was going well, and Glitch was just the sort of harmless fun I was in the mood for. They were good times. Then everything fell apart. I lost my job and almost everything else I cared about, save for the roof over my head and my computer. For the longest time, I wobbled on the brink of suicide.

You never knew it, but you were all there for me. Glitch's surreal beauty kept me coming back, for there was always more of it to see. For a little time every day, it made me think that perhaps a world that could produce such a vision, and fill it with such kind people, might be worth living in after all. When things were at their darkest, Glitch was a light.

Things got better in the end. I got professional help, got my life back on track, got a new job, but my heart stayed here. Glitch meant something different to everyone, that was always part of its charm; to me, it meant life. I wouldn't still be here without all of you.

Thank you.

Posted 12 years ago by Ninetailed Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Glad you're still here. :]
    Posted 12 years ago by gRegorLove Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you for staying with us.  Please continue, you will find us in so many places but for now, we are still here.
    Posted 12 years ago by Brib Annie Subscriber! | Permalink