
Emoticons when people leave a street

This is just a tiny thing, but each time someone leaves a street I am on, this is announced with their name and a little sad emoticon. This event really isn't sad at all, they have only left to go elsewhere, to do (no doubt) interesting stuff.

But now each time I see one of these I get this little twinge of (subliminal, unnecessary) sadness. Can't these emoticons just be taken out?

Posted 14 years ago by marrije Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Could we have an option to turn on or off those announcements, or choose to only see them for Friends? I see a lot of notices for players I've never met leaving the location I'm in, and I'm not sure why I'd want to know that. Maybe a notice when they *arrive* would make sense, so I could choose to go meet them, but it would be nice to have an option to be informed of that or not.
    Posted 14 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ditto on the option to switch off those statements. On the other hand, being able to turn them off would deprive me of the giggle I get whenever player "your mother" enters my space, e.g., "your mother is here"...
    Posted 14 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This made a lot more sense when it was Global Chat instead of a Local Chat. Then, the messages showed up when someone left the game... now it happens a lot more frequently and is a lot less consequential. We'll improve this for sure.
    Posted 14 years ago by Mr. Burka Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Agreed re: the emoticons.

    Not sure though re: the "who's on my street" alerts. Perhaps this ambient awareness could be indicated another way? How about wee favicon size heads in a stripe along the far right of the chat? You'd have the spatial sense of empty vs. crowded and activity level of in & out, without it pushing the text away quite so rapidly.

    What appeals to me is the ambient factor. I'd like my awareness of the other players' motions in the street to be more like it is when I walk down a block offline and less like having someone leaning over my shoulder narrating incessantly "now the man in the blue jacket has gone round the corner..."
    Posted 14 years ago by MetaGrrrl Subscriber! | Permalink