
bring back the skill tree

the current way to choose your next skill doesn't allow for any real planning ahead, and makes me feel like I slaving at a getting more skill points in hope that sometime soon a new skill will magically appear on my screen. I also have no idea when new skill become available.

Posted 14 years ago by Jeff Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I very much agree!
    I remembered that gardening led to fruit changing so I ran around tending patches and watering trees to make them appear (but with no idea at what point they would, and no indication of when they did).
    I am currently doing a lot of meditating in the hopes that it will lead to a new meditatey power... but I have no idea if it will or if I'm just going to max out my meditating points... it's frustrating!
    I *much* preferred the actual tree look to the skills tree before and would love it back, or a new improved version, or anything really that still gives an indication of what's to come down each branch! :o)
    Posted 14 years ago by Katrina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Feedback received!

    We are in the process of switching to a totally different way of getting skills (time-based, rather than level-based) and adding a lot more skills. The whole tree will be too complicated as a UI, but it will be available as a crazy looking chart, and each branch will show reveal itself individually in the UI.

    But this will take a few more weeks and in the meantime, it will continue to be sucky.
    Posted 14 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Another thought... some skills require *really* expensive items (like the meditation orb) whereas others are really cheap (like the chopping board)... having some knowledge of price before choosing a skill would be kinda nice... otherwise you might go "Oooo, I'll try meditation" and then have to spend a whole bunch of time trying to generate currants before you can actually try it (and if you chose it earlyish before having a garden or some other easy means of creating currants it could be very frustrating).
    Posted 14 years ago by Katrina Subscriber! | Permalink