
Dice Games

Since we have a pair of dice as an in-game item, I'm sharing some dice game rules here so others can make use of them. The simplest would obviously be just rolling for the highest number, but here are a few that might be interesting:

played like blackjack; roll as much as you want to, get as close (or equal to) 21 without going over.

Each player in turn throws the dice and continues to throw the until 1s are thrown or they decide to stop. A 1 with any other number scores nothing and ends your turn. If you elect to stop before 1s are thrown you keep whatever points you have made. Double 1s ends the turn and but you score 25. Other doubles doubles the score for that throw (e.g., double 6 = 24, not 12)
The scores are noted for each turn and the player who obtains a total score over 100 (or whatever agreed-upon score), wins the game.

Ten Pins
Blowing with dice; numbers=pins hit. Each player rolls twice- a 5-5 on the first throw is a strike, a 5-5 on the second is a spare. A throw with a 6 means a gutter ball.

Each player rolls, with the highest throwing first in the game and the lowest "setting the point".  The player with the lowest roll decides on a point number (1-6).
Each player in turn rolls the dice and scores one for every occurrence of the point number.  The first player to reach 11 points, wins the game.
A player who rolls a double point number scores 3 points instead of 2.

Posted 13 years ago by Zurin Subscriber! | Permalink