
Curious: What stage is development at?

I just wondered if there is any summary of testing and/ or an estimate of when the more "full on" testing stage will begin? IE:...For those of us anticipating the beta. Just an estimate of course!
I'm curious, and admittedly have had little chance to really play test... because I work weekends (and hey, wasn't last Saturday a beautiful day in Vancouver?)
But any update in this respect, if possible, would sort of give me an idea?

Posted 14 years ago by dude Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Beta is estimated for early next year if I recall.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • We're coming up to the end of Piglet - one of three six week Alphas (the next are Chick & Caterpillar). So uhh, Beta should start in about 3 months?
    Posted 14 years ago by Hburger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 'We'll update again at least every few weeks as Piglet progresses and give a heads-up on what's planned for Chick.' - from 'The Scheme of Things' blog post on Aug 27.

    ???? ;)
    Posted 14 years ago by Hburger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well, we owe a blog post :)

    But, we did just add the levitation skill (and a few other secret bonuses) because we can now vary the physics on the fly. And now when trees die, you can harvest the dead tree for wood. And skill acceleration should work tomorrow. Rook by the end of the week. New location creation (and a bundle of new locations) next week (enshallah) ... so, we'll probably be a week late in getting Piglet features done. Which means, yeah, beta should start just after everyone recovers from New Year's Eve.
    Posted 14 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well, I'm going to be daydreaming about those new things on my tests today... oh well. *drifts into a state of disarray*
    Posted 14 years ago by Hburger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The best things are worth waiting for! Can't wait to try some of those new features. Ooh levitation!
    Posted 14 years ago by FrankenPaula Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Winguardian leviosa! (From Harry Potter - It makes things levitate.)
    Posted 14 years ago by Houdini Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You can change your character's name for 100? and password for free. Aww, the old forum is gone and I can't seem to purchase a name change, not that I was going to change it. Levitation may make the jumping nerf not matter.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink