
postcards, party music, & piggy tranquilizers

Postcards - we should be able to make postcards using paper and a camera, similar to how we make notes with a paper and quill.  Perhaps it requires an additional skill, Printmaking?  And perhaps we can write a note on the back?  I would love to make postcards of some of the places I visit.

Party Music - it would be nice to choose the music played in a party space, or maybe have a jukebox?

Piggy Tranquilizers - when you feed a purple flower to a piggy, its eyes turn purple and it starts making funny faces.  While the piggy is on the purple you can't pet or nibble it, but you can capture it and it won't escape for as long as the purple lasts.  I mean, honestly, why should the Glitchen have all the fun?  Presumably the piggies have a similar nervous system and are affected by the same things we are ;)

Posted 12 years ago by Miss Portinari Subscriber! | Permalink