
New Upgrade cards (currently 57)

Quoin Vision - Gives you to see the multiplier on a quion. This could either be with a little x# next to it, or in Info mode.

Double Jump - Jump once while in the air.

Resource Spotter - When selecting multiple resource generators (trees, piggies, chickens, etc.), the ones that have available resources are highlighted.

Animal Magnetism - Animals will make their way closer to you if they are able. (Makes resource gathering easier)

Jelly Sipper - When you collect Jelly sacs, they immediately are replaced with the third stage of growth, reducing the amount of time to regrow.

Barnacle Nurturer - When you scrape a Barnacle, it will be replaced with another in the third stage of growth, reducing the amount of time to regrow.

Wood Conversationalist - When you harvest from a wood tree, it only wears down on the tree half as much.

Heavy Petter - When you pet a wood tree it counts as twice for it's regrowth.

Wood Regenerator - When you pet a wood tree, it counts as 3 times for it's regrowth.

Powder Puffer - All powders take 5% less compounds to make (to a minimum of one each).

Careful Chemicalizer - All powders take 10% less compounds to make (to a minimum of one each).

Efficient Alchemist - All powders take 15% less compounds to make (to a minimum of one each).

Mixing Master - All powders take 20% less compounds to make (to a minimum of one each).

Gentle Hugger - Chickens don't fly away when you squeeze them.

Grain Attractor - When passing by a chicken, sometimes they will give you grain without needing to be squeezed.

Meat Magnet - When passing by a piggy, sometimes they will give you meat without needing to be nibbled.

Milk Moocher - When passing by a butterfly, sometimes they will give you milk without needing to be milked.

Wool Gathering - When gathering fiber from foxes, you get 10% more for each brushing.

Cold Resistant - When you enter a cold environment, you loose energy at half of the normal rate.

Rook Resistant - Energy and Mood loss from being in a Rook attack is at half the normal rate.

Stunning Stunner - Donations made to prime a shrine count at double their normal value.

Rook Sense - Rook attacks will appear on the map as a dark shadow over the street.

Speedy Photographer - The camera moves at twice it's normal speed.

Machine Familiarity - Machines that you use take 5% less time to finish.

Mechanical Maven - Machines that you use take 10% less time to finish.

Speedy Builder - Machines that you use take 15% less time to finish.

Gear Whisperer - Machines that you use take 20% less time to finish.

Detailed Achiever - You can not see how much progress you have completed towards achievements. 

Practiced Whistler - Whistling to fireflies takes 50% less energy. 

It's Only a Flesh Wound - When you return from Hell, you start with 25% of your maximum Energy and Mood.

Creation Master -  When you are creating an item that requires ingredients that you do not have, but you can make, you will automatically make those ingredients first. (This could be split into to Upgrades by making one just go one level deep, and the improved version that will go all the way down.)

Emblem Polisher - Emblems give 50% more Energy, Mood, and iMG.

Efficient Packer - Maximum stack sizes are increased by 25%.

Long Reach - You can interact with objects from further away.

Madam (Or Sir) Butterfly - Singing to butterflies takes 25% less energy.

Cranial Antifreeze - You can eat 2 more snow cones in a day without getting a brain freeze.

Leafy Green Goodness - Spinach lasts twice as long. BOING!

Broccoli Aficionado - Activating broccoli gives you double rewards.

Extra Teleport - You may map teleport one extra time per day. (You can get this upgrade more than once.)

Hunger Suppression 1 - Energy loss that occurs over time is reduced by 1/6.

Hunger Suppression 2 - Energy loss that occurs over time is reduced by 1/3.

Hunger Suppression 3 - Energy loss that occurs over time is reduced by 1/2.

Explosive Shards - Shards reach twice as far as they normally do.

Piggy Plop Purveyor - Piggies only need two vegetables to poop a plop for planting.

Poop Smithing - You can now turn a plop into a guano with your beaker. (could also require other ingredients)

Cooperative Miner - When you are mining with others, you will receive twice the bonus from others helping you, and they will receive 50% more from you helping them.

Archeologist - Your chance at getting an artifact from a petrified rock is increased.

Hello Dolly - Your mood boost from others saying "Hi" to you is doubled, and quadrupled if you and the other person match.

Red Tape Slicer - Wait times at Bureaucratic Halls are reduced by half. You also become so used to the horrible water there, that it actually (slightly) increases your mood (1 point).

Salmon Snatcher - Sometimes snatching a salmon signals a second to slither silently into your satchel. Surprise!

Ice picker - With a mighty blow from your pick instead of a scraper, you are able to scrape ice almost instantly.

Careful Cube Harvesting - Sometimes when you scrape ice cubes from a nubbin, you will get s Super Harvest worth triple the normal amount.

Sno Cone Aficionado - You just love Sno Cones so much that eating one gives you a mood bonus equal to 1/10 of the iMG gained.

Gourmand - Eating makes you happy! Whenever you eat a meal, your mood improves slightly. (Gain 1/10 of the energy gained in mood)

Caffeinated Beverages - You've learned the secret of caffeinating your beverages. When you drink something, you will gain a slight energy boost as well (Gain 1/10 of the mood boost in energy.)

Anti-Social Meditation - Hi signs do not distract you from meditating.

Radiation Receiver - Energy and mood received from radiation is increased by 20%.
That's it for now. I'll post more here as I think of them.

Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I really like most if these and don't like a couple. Helpful? ;P
    Posted 12 years ago by Muncey Mango Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Make suggestions about them then. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Here's more!

    Machine Familiarity - Machines that you use take 5% less time to finish.

    Mechanical Maven - Machines that you use take 10% less time to finish.

    Speedy Builder - Machines that you use take 15% less time to finish.

    Gear Whisperer - Machines that you use take 20% less time to finish.

    Detailed Achiever - You can not see how much progress you have completed towards achievements. 

    Practiced Whistler - Whistling to fireflies takes 50% less energy. 

    It's Only a Flesh Wound - When you return from Hell, you start with 25% of your maximum Energy and Mood.

    Creation Master -  When you are creating an item that requires ingredients that you do not have, but you can make, you will automatically make those ingredients first. (This could be split into to Upgrades by making one just go one level deep, and the improved version that will go all the way down.)

    Emblem Polisher - Emblems give 50% more Energy, Mood, and iMG.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +11111 double jump
    Posted 12 years ago by Popcorn☺ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Rename Never- gives you a checkoff in Options to NEVER AGAIN have the rename dialogue pop up when you are interacting with animals and accidentally click rename.
    Posted 12 years ago by Feldspar Gravity Subscriber! | Permalink
  • New additions. I'll edit the top post with them too.

    Efficient Packer - Maximum stack sizes are increased by 25%.

    Long Reach - You can interact with objects from further away.

    Madam (Or Sir) Butterfly - Singing to butterflies takes 25% less energy.

    Cranial Antifreeze - You can eat 2 more snow cones in a day without getting a brain freeze.

    Leafy Green Goodness - Spinach lasts twice as long. BOING!

    Broccoli Aficionado - Activating broccoli gives you double rewards.

    Extra Teleport - You may map teleport one extra time per day. (You can get this upgrade more than once.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Awesome!
    Love the names of the upgrade cards :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Rutger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • These are great, and I love the names.

    Some of them seem more likely to become real than others. I hope staff takes a peek at these and have a nice conversation about them.
    Posted 12 years ago by Biohazard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh I know that there are some that are a bit unbalanced, such as double-jump. I don't really expect that. There are others that will take new systems to implement (like Resource Spotter). Some of them should come with expensive pre-reqs, like Madam (Or Sir) Butterfly. I'm just hoping to provide some inspiration. I LOVE the upgrade system, as you can always get something new just about every day.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Bump
    And... +1 i like it :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Dr.CookieEater Subscriber! | Permalink
  •   Most of these seem like impatience to me. This is a leisurely game, not something you need to constantly bump up and speed up.  However, I would love the double jump. I wrote something in the forums about people couldn't have the time to play more than 4 hours a day and the answers universally came back, "Yes, I do. "
    Posted 12 years ago by jamby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like many of these ideas, and I could see (at least a variation) of most of them being incorporated in the game!

    I don't think that increasing efficiency makes this game any less leisurely. (Although, I suppose I shouldn't speak for those who truly play for that purpose, I like the more challenging aspects personally). 

    Especially for higher level players, when we run out of skills to learn, badges to earn, quests to complete, etc. It's always a refreshing change when we can spend our iMG on something that bumps up our output (maybe even encouraging us to revisit activities that were not worth our time before, but with decreased time/energy/supplies required or increased product, they may become more appealing).
    Posted 12 years ago by Misanthrope Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Quoin Vision is an utterly horrible, horrible idea.  There are already players who spend all day spawn-camping particularly high-value quoins.  At least now, they have to expend the effort to find them first.  Jelly Sipper/Barnacle Nurturer sound like bad ideas, too.

    I like some of the others of these though.  The Cranial Antifreeze is a fun one that wouldn't unbalance things too much.  Wood Conversationalist could be a big help in keeping wood trees healthy.  I like the alchemy upgrades, too.

    If I had my pick of any one new upgrade or set of upgrades, though, it'd be Energy Efficiency 1-3, which would progressively reduce periodic energy loss in the same way and in the same ratios that the Steady On Mood Loser upgrades reduce periodic mood loss.  So Energy Efficiency 1 would reduce periodic energy loss by 1/6, Energy Efficiency 2 would reduce it by 1/3, and Energy Efficiency 3 would bring it down to half normal.
    Posted 12 years ago by Alaric Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @jamby: It does increase the pace somewhat, but TS has said before that they want players that get to higher levels to have an easier time doing things, or even have them partially automated, like with Remote Herd Keeping. Part of the point of the Upgrade system is to keep things interesting for the higher-level characters.

    @Minanthrope: Thank you, that's generally how I see things.

    @Alaric: Those people (the quoin-campers) are generally already doing that, and don't need this upgrade to help them. This would be for more casual players.

    Why do you think that the Jelly and Barnacle ones are bad?

    I like the Energy Efficiency ones too. I have some other ideas about that as well, which I'll post later. I altered the name (not that that matters), because I worried that Energy Efficiency sounds like it works for ALL energy loss/expenditures. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Explosive Shards - Shards reach twice as far as they normally do.

    Piggy Plop Purveyor - Piggies only need two vegetables to poop a plop for planting.

    Poop Smithing - You can now turn a plop into a guano with your beaker. (could also require other ingredients)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like the sounds of most of these *approving nod*
    Posted 12 years ago by Aurora Dellaterra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cooperative Miner - When you are mining with others, you will receive twice the bonus from others helping you, and they will receive 50% more from you helping them.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Archeologist - Your chance at getting an artifact from a petrified rock is increased.

    Hello Dolly - Your mood boost from others saying "Hi" to you is doubled, and quadrupled if you and the other person match.

    Red Tape Slicer - Wait times at Bureaucratic Halls are reduced by half. You also become so used to the horrible water there, that it actually (slightly) increases your mood (1 point).
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'll leave it to you to come up with a clever name (as you are clearly quite good at it - TS should hire you!) but an upgrade card to get more salmon per "harvest" would be nice to have... the output is sooooo low for the level of effort required right now!
    Posted 12 years ago by Zoethor2 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • As requested...
    Salmon Snatcher - Sometimes snatching a salmon signals a second to slither silently into your satchel. Surprise!

    Ice picker - With a mighty blow from your pick instead of a scraper, you are able to scrape ice almost instantly.

    Careful Cube Harvesting - Sometimes when you scrape ice cubes from a nubbin, you will get s Super Harvest worth triple the normal amount.

    Sno Cone Aficionado - You just love Sno Cones so much that eating one gives you a mood bonus equal to 1/10 of the iMG gained.

    Gourmand - Eating makes you happy! Whenever you eat a meal, your mood improves slightly. (Gain 1/10 of the energy gained in mood)

    Caffeinated Beverages - You've learned the secret of caffeinating your beverages. When you drink something, you will gain a slight energy boost as well (Gain 1/10 of the mood boost in energy.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Anti-Social Meditation - Hi signs do not distract you from meditating.

    Radiation Receiver - Energy and mood received from radiation is increased by 20%.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink