
Upgrades for Advanced Animal Interaction

How about an upgrade (or several, one for each kind of "domestic" animal) where you don't have to chase the animal down on the street to interact and get your stuff?

Maybe a "Butterfly Whisperer" upgrade where you can use some automatic control to massage/milk/sing to? x number of butterflies on the street?

The Pied Piper of "Ham"-lin upgrade to pet/nibble/feed the pigs on a street?

Can't think of a cute name for an upgrade to automatically squeeze the chickens, but should totally have that too, or at least have it so you can squeeze them the maximum amt of times you're allowed with energy and "experience" with just one squeeze instead of repeatedly squeezing the same chicken.

Posted 12 years ago by Lady Z Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1

    Great idea.
    Posted 12 years ago by ZenMonkey Subscriber! | Permalink
  • How about a scarecrow that automatically hugs your chickens...
    Posted 12 years ago by Kua Subscriber! | Permalink
  • If were talking wild animals they should be a challenge to nibble, milk etc. If your talking your own animals there are collectors for that. Its been brought up many times for auto grain collectors but i don't like the idea of automating EVERYTHING. Automating everything would make this a  very dull game. It would however help on others streets if at the very least you cant hit the pole since you cant use it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I take DeJaVu's point, but I also like the original idea. Maybe it could be an item, instead of a permanent upgrade. Like something you get from petting animals or gardening, which isn't super-common, but allows for a one-time "full harvest." Or even something craftable like the MG potions, which require deep investment in skills.
    Posted 12 years ago by ZenMonkey Subscriber! | Permalink