
Mark bags to indicate it's contents are donatable

Twice now I have lag click/donated my Awesome Pot during a Rook Attack unintentionally.  No biggee, they are easy to make, but I always panic that I might have donated my conch or something else irreplaceable.

I was thinking it might be nice to have an item in the bag drop down that was a tick on/off to indicate that the contents of the bag was meant for donations.
So if you have 1+ bags marked for donations, then the donations dialog would just show those items.
No bags marked?  Then you get the all inventory dialog to pick from all your stuff.  Or I guess if your donation bags are empty...not sure about that one.

I dunno, too complicated?  Just thinking out loud here.

Posted 12 years ago by Belchy Subscriber! | Permalink


  • why not just keep your tools in a toolbox?
    Posted 12 years ago by Arietty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Toolbox doesn't save tools from being donated, experience tells me. Unless you click and drag, the picker automatically selects the first in your inventory, ie, the leftmost. Maybe your toolboxes should be going to the right of the bags instead of the left.

    I dunno, it's a bit complicated but it might be helpful. But personally, I would rather have that toggle on the donation screen itself because I sure do put things in one bag and think they're in another. Or find myself standing at the shrine looking at the donation that I was planning on making and deciding to make a bigger or smaller one or some other modification.

    Then again, adding complexity might just make this worse...or it could be an option in the shrine menu, to look at a limited inventory versus your whole inventory, so that people who love the good old everything view can be accommodated easily. Or something! 
    Posted 12 years ago by Caesura Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *nod* I don't have problems with donating stuff, myself, but I do worry about dropping things and not noticing or accidently giving things away.  I'd love to see a bag setting for "protect these items" and that way you'd be protected from more than just donating.  Would be good especially for those items you'll only be carrying around one of (give to players doesn't have confirmation if there's just one in the stack) like your GNG that you'd love to play for others but are worried and leave it at home ;)  And then you'd have to manually protect things instead of manually say "allow these to be donated" but that makes more sense to me (but I don't normally donate so not sure).
    Posted 12 years ago by diaveborn ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've donated my Alchemical Tongs by mistake a couple times in laggy situations. I've gotten very cautious at rook attacks and squeezing chickens near shrines!

    Having a setting called "protect these items" on bags would be nice. If that were checked, the items in that bag wouldn't come up on the shrine or "give to another player" screens. It would have the added bonus of making the item selection screen a lot simpler. It sometimes takes me a while to find the stuff I intended to donate/give away. I don't feel strongly about whether the default is "protect" or "give" because I'd have all my bags set up pretty fast either way.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 I've donated waaaay too many tools in rook attacks.  The attacks are just too laggy, and it's simple to click twice on the shrine because you don't think the first one worked, only for the screen to slooooowly come up and you see that your mouse was positioned right over your high-class hoe or whatever.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love this idea.  It would save me time during rook attacks, too.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tiamat_the_red Subscriber! | Permalink