
Community focused Feat

The Feats so far have been fun - they have also been challenging but to be completely honest with you they feel like competitions rather than a Feat!

In my personal view I would like there to be a Feat that does not reward based on the amount you have contributed - but rewards you just for participating - IF we as a community can accomplish it! Rather than just us racing to overtake the next person in the standings in an attempt to get a better prize!

One such Feat could be a Ur wide Rook attack where every single location that has a shrine gets attacked all at the same time and its up to us as a community to repel the attacks! Maybe instead of having the event run for 24 hours this could be a timed event - in which we have an hour to completely repel the attack - or something of that nature.

It would also help to introduce people to Rook attacks, many people have never seen one or been able to participate in one and this would give every one an opportunity to!

But that is just one idea - I would just love to have more of an opportunity to work with people to achieve a goal - rather than compete against them for prizes. 

Please post if you would like to see more co-operative / community based Feats AND if you have any more idea's for more Feats of this kind!

Thanks for reading :)

Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I would just love to have more of an opportunity to work with people to achieve a goal - rather than compete against them for prizes. +1
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 I think the recent three-part conversation feat was a good step in this direction. It provided a leaderboard for people who were manic to "win" it, but also rewarded people for cooperating.

    I had a great time going around the world with two different pairs of friends to work on the feat. Three is a very manageable number for logistics, but still a group.
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink