
Placing a wall segment in your house divides rooms

What if you could just, as I said, stand at one point in your house where there isn't any furniture, and place a walls segment to cause the rooms to divide? Then you could put in multiple rooms in your home!

With this mechanic, however, there would have to be a tool (built-in, not hardware) to choose which doors connect to which.

Posted 12 years ago by Seeen Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I think archways would actually work better than doors for room connections (though I love the idea of using walls to separate rooms). Doors are coded as interactive objects, so they don't really open or close, they just teleport you. An archway would allow the wall to divide the visible space, while not actually slowing you down when you were moving from room to room. Stoot and company could add archways as their own decoration type, having them in a variety of shapes with loads of different trim.
    Posted 12 years ago by Eleni Ivanova Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 for internal walls to create room divisions, however it might be implemented.  Wall segments is a logical suggestion.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rattus Rattus Subscriber! | Permalink