
Yeti House

Well I dream of coming to my street and seeing a big ole yeti:) A house that I can go in. Maybe he will move, maybe he will blink or yawn.But in my imagination he is amazing!Yes, I am yeti crazy. I would do a whole yeti themed house.Also, more walls like from my old winter cabin I used to have would make me so happy. I truly miss that little cabin. xoxo

Posted 12 years ago by Queen Zipporah Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1 This defo needs to happen. Everything from Wintry Place, Winter Wingding and Slip 'N Slide needs to be included in the theme.
    Posted 12 years ago by Cleops Subscriber! | Permalink
  • For those who do not want (as many) visitors, perhaps the foreground could also have the wintry debuff (unless your visitors have eaten something hearty.)
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Good idea! It would fit in with the snowy front street.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink