
60+ Upgrades

So, I've reached 60 and with it comes a certain relaxing feeling. I don't have to go quoining anymore to hit my daily quota, I don't have to make beans, the game cards are really no appeal other than the occasional diversion. So I was thinking, what am I going to do with all this iMG that I've amassed? (and if you're at 60, you'll know just how much there can be)

I propose 60+ Upgrades. Nothing that will give a silly unfair advantage, (maybe just a little one) but also a little incentive to get to 60?

Here goes, feel free to add to the list and I'll pop in here in the OP

1. Meditation Guano (still working on the name)
How about an upgrade that lets us meditate for our plants to help them grow? Say 1 million iMG for the upgrade? There could also be further upgrades of a similar cost to speed up the cool down or enbiggen the effect?

2. Reduce mining time.
Now I'm not talking jellisac scooping fast, just maybe knock a second off. I'd happily pay 5 million for that.

3. higher batch upgrades for our tools

4. Elite Undergarments. These would be beneath the clothes, so invisible. They could cost a staggering amount of iMG. Those inclined to wear them would get an itchy buff that enhances their twitchy quoin leaping skiilz.

Posted 12 years ago by Mr Mellifluous Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Mr Mellifluous wrote: 1. Meditation Guano (still working on the name)
    Tantric Guano?

    Love the idea, whatever it is called. I also wouldn't mind if it cost iMG to use it, as well as buying the card
    Posted 12 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm only level 46 or something and I have all the current upgrades, and I'm pretty close on my quoin multiplier and brain capacity.  I agree that huge iMG upgrades would be really cool!! some as high as you are mentioning for 60+ players and some a little lower too.  I think slight advantage things are cool because they'd be super motivating (hopefully) without causing unbalance.  Maybe we could also have some expensive upgrades for 60+ that are not useful at all but maybe aesthetic or something?  Someone suggested having halos or something over people who are level 60.  Not sure if this is a popular idea or not but just another possibility, something to spend tons of iMG on eventually (for most of us) that feels rewarding but doesn't give some crazy advantage.
    Posted 12 years ago by Horakely Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That's exactly the sort of thing I meant Horakely, Something that costs iMG but doesn't give too much of an advantage, something fun and maybe a little useful, but something to spend this damned excess iMG!
    Posted 12 years ago by Mr Mellifluous Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1

    I'm no where near 60, but this is the kind of thing it'd be a lot of fun to look forward to, plus a great use of that iMG!
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Or how about some even higher batch upgrades for our tools?
    Posted 12 years ago by Mr Mellifluous Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 4. Sugarless Chewing Guano: a special treat that only level 60s have the privledge of chewing, and it doesn't promote tooth decay. Priced in iMG and avalable only in the elite " One Percent Shoppes". The paper wrapper on sticks of it could double as tissue to shine haloes.

    5. Elite Undergarments. These would be beneath the clothes, so invisible. They could cost a staggering amount of iMG. Those inclined to wear them would get an itchy buff that enhances their twitchy quoin leaping skiilz.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tatsuo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nice, not sure I like the term Elite though.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mr Mellifluous Subscriber! | Permalink