
products requiring multiple people to make

The feat reward of the clubhouse made me realize that I'd like a clubhouse in glitch, or a gathering of people with communal glitch interests.  I think it'd be cool if there were high level items in all specialties-like a certain potion, or menu item, or tapestry instead of a rug-that required multiple people making it at the same time.  You'd want to visit the other people with your interests, or the likeminded hometowers in your route, because together is the only way to get the high value items.  It'd require multiple people contributing at the same time in a coordinated effort; like Rook Attacks, but friendlier.  It'd also act like a stitch and bitch kinda, a way for glitches to gather on public streets and socialize but still have something to do with their hands, virtually.

Posted 12 years ago by Townes Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I love it!  Rare commodities building communities!  +1!  <3 Ms.M
    Posted 12 years ago by Missus Moon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • In GNE (the precursor in many ways to Glitch) they had pianos. And a piano could only be moved by two people acting together. It'd be great to have more objects like that too.

    Come to think of it, it'd be great to have pianos for your home. And it would work too (limited to one octave maybe) so people could hold recitals.
    Posted 12 years ago by capodistria Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 I really like this idea, as long as the number of people needed for one item is kept fairly low (2-5).  More than that and it's both very laggy and hard for less social people to accomplish.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've seen a couple ideas related to food items based off cooperation.  There was one based off of stone soup, that where the number participants effect the outcome.  There was another one for a pot you could put on your home street and people could get energy related to what had been put in.
    Posted 12 years ago by Anne72688 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Kadi, definitely low person requirement.  3-5 seems good.  Enough to be an actual group.  I just think it'd be cool to have glitches get together for talks of their trade, and organizing meetups and such that still tied into the mechanics of the game.  

    @Anne72688, the stone soup is an awesome idea.  I've seen community kitchens and schools in glitch (splendora's tower is a good example) but not actual community cooking.

    @capodistria.  I've never heard of GNE, but love the idea of a piano.  Or a synthesizer.  Moog even sounds glitchian.
    Posted 12 years ago by Townes Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Townes, GNE is Glitch's 'first version', which didn't last. GNE stands for 'Game Neverending'
    Posted 12 years ago by Seeen Subscriber! | Permalink