
Upgrade Page Revision Request

I accept, and honestly rather like that Keepable Cards count in how many upgrades I've purchased.  However, I feel that they do little more than clutter up the upgrade page.  

Perhaps as an alternative, the main list could be a bit more like:
select * from purchased_updrades
where user = 'Nerd of Epic'
and type <> 'Keepable'

(And no, i would never expect these columns to be character based, but you get the idea.)

And then, since keepables are no longer in the bottom list, a simple summary at the top showing the keepables in mini-form with just counts next to them would cover that.

select keepable_type, count(*)
from purchased_updrades
where user = 'Nerd of Epic'
and type = 'Keepable'
group by keepable_type

This would serve several purposes all at once:
- The upgrade page would no longer be 10,000 planks tall.  (And would thus load faster.)
- The "real" upgrades are in the list and not cluttered up by those keepable cards you've purchased and maybe used, maybe stored, maybe sold, who knows.

(Also, I'm leaving out potential other joins for all sorts of things, and leaving out that the whole database could be a document model instead of a SQL based model.  Thus, go easy on the SQL, it was for explanation purposes only.  Thanks.  :-) )

Posted 12 years ago by Nerd of Epic Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I've been wondering myself what sort of database they're using.

    The About page gives some interesting details about what the game's built in, but curiously leaves that bit out:

    What technology does it use?
    (Heh. Nerd.)The game client is Flash (though someday there will be other clients) and the server is built in a fairly new and different way for a game: the back end (java at the lowest level, with game logic scripted in Javascript) is designed for maximum flexibility and ease of deployment. That means we'll be able to push new content — new items, new places, new characters — on a daily basis. It also means that we have lots of APIs with which the game can be expanded and extended.
    The "someday there will be other clients" bit intrigues me as well...

    Also... +0.5. This would reduce clutter, and sounds nice, although I then wouldn't be able to find out when I've purchased a given keepable (not like that information would ever be useful, but as proven by my comment above, I tend to like information, whether it's useful or not xD).
    Posted 12 years ago by Jus?tin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Perhaps the counts at the top for keepables are links to upgrade pages that just list the kind of keepable you just clicked on?  Then the whole history is still available, just hidden from common use a little to speed up the page.  I feel a little bad for their web servers when I ask for my upgrade page with nearly 900 upgrades purchased (and I'm positive I'm no where NEAR as high as that number gets for other players).

    (Edit:  I just inspected my upgrade page in Chrome and it tells me the following...  20 requests (several were cached), 464.09KB transferred, 3.15s total.  Keep in mind that the size reported there does NOT include the cached items, so on an initial load it would be about another 100KB larger, ignoring any compression in the transmission of course.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Nerd of Epic Subscriber! | Permalink