
Player Tools/ Gadgets

Ok, i've been wanting to discuss this for quiet some time now. We, as glitchens have a variety of tools that we can use for social and player specific purposes. These include the Die, Focusing Orb, Emotional Bear, and Play Cube, just to name a few. Although some (like the Focusing orb, and the Emotional Bear,) are "tools" and can be placed in a toolbox, others (such as the play cube and the die,) can not. If any of the readers of this post are like me, they like to organize their inventory, i personally have a red toolbox for construction tools, a silver for cooking, and a green for player tools or gadgets. Unfortunately, its looking as though i may have to abandon that system seeing as how my gadget tool box only ever has 3 or 4 items in it. I vote for more toolbox enabled gadgets. My nominations are as follows...

Conch Shell
Pair of Dice
12-sided Dice
Play Cube
and possibly any items that currently have no sorting designation, for instance Fox baits could be considered tools, as well as metal rods, however they are consumables and there for weren't my first choice for toolbox worthy items, as all others are permanent (barring breakage.)

Anyways, those are my thoughts, hopefully this isn't an intensive change, i'd really like to see it instituted.

Posted 12 years ago by Lathagra Subscriber! | Permalink
