
Attracting Meese

Inspired by salmen hunting, which often involves going AFK at the bottom of the ocean until the salmen approach and then leaping out at them, I have a great suggestion for attracting Meese, should they ever become part of the game (which I hope they do!).  This may also lead to a great verb for harvesting whatever you get from Meese.

So, to get a Moose to come to you, you simply stand in the middle of the street and laugh.  You might have to press the 3 key three times, to differentiate between simple emoting and calling a Moose.  But, then, when you do that, the Moose approaches and starts laughing with you!

Then, you tickle the Moose!

To attract Meese, you do this to more than one Moose, of course.  It takes time.

Posted 12 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
