
What is great britain coming to? (the day of strikes)

i've got a day of school today because theres a full day of strikes in the public sector in great britain so doctors, hospitals, schools, busses, trains, trams most of these are shut or limited services but if david cameron carrys on doing what he is doing there will be another great strike. the last time when there was a great strike in britain maggy thatcher whas in power (a tory aka conservitives) and she caused the great strike of 79 i think it was where the who country basicly came to a standstill and nothing opened, riots everywhere and now we have david cameron in (the first tory in power since maggy thatcher) and me thinks its happening all over again!

what do you think of this?

Posted 13 years ago by Santa Clause Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Wikipedia is your friend. (As is spellcheck)

    Margaret Thatcher won the General Election in 1979. She precipitated the miners' strikes in the early to mid 80s. The Three Day Week you're probably thinking of in the mid 70s was, I think, under a Labour government as it happens. This happened before I was born, but I read about things. Riots, like the ones in the summertime, were more a reaction to institutionalised police racism, not so much the privations the Tories are inflicting on those not of their social class.

    And there's been a Tory PM since Thatcher and before Cameron - John Major. Again, Wikipedia...
    Posted 13 years ago by Hallirackit Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You might also look into the history of the Diggers.
    Posted 13 years ago by TK-855 Subscriber! | Permalink