
Terraria players?

Any Terraria players on Glitch?

1.1 just got released today and my god there's a lot of new stuff crammed into it. lol I plan on playing tonight in a new world just to see how different everything is.

It is also 75% off on Steam today so only $2.50!

Posted 13 years ago by Myuki Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I have it! I just looked at it and wow, lots of stuff I haven't seen before. It's updated a lot since I last played it a couple months ago. @_@
    Posted 13 years ago by Cirnots Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ohhh yes. 1.1 is a huge update. I've been following the dev posts the past couple months that were showing little hints of what would be involved and just seeing the entire LIST was kind of mind-blowing. lol

    There's pipes! And pumps! And new bosses! And a crapload of new monsters! lol I'm slightly frightened of the corruption spreading though.
    Posted 13 years ago by Myuki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This game was the toast of the town not too long ago and I totally forewent it. I think Glitch and my few other games are enough, but seeing these reviews make me think twice.
    Posted 13 years ago by shipwreck Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was very hesitant to start playing because I'd tried Minecraft and wasn't very impressed. But then a friend bought it as a gift for me in the beginning of July so I figured I might as well play. 144 hours later... lol

    I took a break around September to wait for the next update as things were getting a bit stale. My friends and I had already killed all the bosses and gotten most end-game items so all I was doing was building onto my house and making a sky bridge. And then Glitch came along so I completely dropped everything else. XD

    But this update is definitely amazing. It's like playing a brand new game - I didn't know what we would find, the graphics are vastly improved along with the building system (we finally have windows! I was so excited lol), there's a lot of new items, and the new lighting system is quite pretty.

    I would say if you're still interested at all, wait for another Steam sale. They come often enough, though usually just at 50% (which is still only $5).

    (Also! There are player-made levels that can be downloaded. Some are pretty fun and creative. Most are adventure/quest ones, some are mazes, some are skill challenges. It really broadens the gameplay.)
    Posted 13 years ago by Myuki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'll have to try 1.1.  I tried a somewhat earlier version and didn't like it very much (might have liked it better if I hadn't played Minecraft first).
    Are sword attacks still an RSI-inducing clickfest that forces anyone with concern for their health to hit monsters with a pickaxe instead?
    Posted 13 years ago by Impspindle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It depends on the sword and you can now reforge weapons so you could improve the pickaxe or hamaxe and just use that as a weapon. :) I quite like using my molten hamaxe. Muramasa is possibly the only sword not to require multiple clicks? I think? There are a lot of new weapons, so I can't say for certain. In either case, you shouldn't feel restricted to kill things with a sword. XD (with a quick check of the wiki, there's at least 2 other new swords that can be swung continuously, including an end-game weapon)

    One main new feature is the introduction of the Corruption and Hallowed biomes. These will now spread through anything and everything once you defeat a boss in the underworld and increases the difficulty of the game.

    The first iteration of the game was nice in that you could spam potions to heal yourself, then that changed to regen plus delayed potion use. I didn't like it at first, but once you get decent armour, it's not that bad.
    Posted 13 years ago by Myuki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So I was playing the newer stuff with my friends, and WOW, the game has changed! (in a good way)
    My friend gave me a weapon that shoots RAINBOWS. :)
    Posted 13 years ago by Cirnots Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh wow, they've already got that new weapon? XD I've been playing a new world with two friends and we only just unleashed the Hallowed and Corruption biomes. Everything is so DEADLY. Dying everywhere. lol
    Posted 13 years ago by Myuki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Die-hard Minecraft and Terraria player here... New version you say? *rushes off to download new version*
    Posted 13 years ago by Heatseeker Subscriber! | Permalink
  • If anyone is interested in the complete update log, it can be found here:

    There's a loooot of stuff. :) I didn't see the timer feature until yesterday, but now we've managed to make automatic chaser lights on the floor of our rave room. It's so PRETTY. XD
    Posted 13 years ago by Myuki Subscriber! | Permalink