
The Haunted Place

Hello there, my fellow glitchen, welcome to The Haunted Place. Let me take your coat and please take a seat near the fireplace by my side. 

Those scrolls? Oh well, now that you ask that is my personal collection of creepy stories. C´mon! just grab one and make yourself comfortable.

To read each story just tap with your little fingers the title on the scroll and you will be sent to the deep bowels hell!!!... erm... sorry, I got carried away, haha!. What I meant was that you will be sent to a story that gives you a little look over the darker corners of our nice world. Some of them are available right away, some other are still in development. Give them time to cook.

What? you got a story for me? Please do tell it and I will add it to my scrolls!

I sincerely hope you like them, so please just sit over there, grab a drink, read a scroll and relax. 

*****Creepy Glitch Tales Scrolls*****
 + The lost street 
 + The Roommate
 + Ajaya Bliss nightmare

*****Scrolls written by other glitchens*****
+ The Ghost of Gopra Byle Street - by Ayasta
+ Untitled - by ixaeon
+ A dream within a dream - by Kirnan
+ Unsigned Notes - by Lienna
     - Chapter one: A note!
+ A friend at my house - by Cirnots

DISCLAIMERS, FAQ and other stuff.
1.- I´m a spanish speaker practicing english, so please bare with me if you find some misspellings or poorly constructed phrases and paragraphs, and be aware that I can take constructive criticism on this.
2.- I love creepypasta, and my stories are just that, creepypasta from the wonderfull world of Glitch. So, it is possible you might find some of this stories familiar, maybe some will remind you some other you already have heard or read all along the interwebs.
3.- I will try to write to a wide range audience, I´m not willing to offend anyone, but expect some mild cursing, some scenes that could be graphically disturbing and the general stuff you could find in any other creepypasta story.
4.- All names are fictional. Yes, I´m making a disclaimer that all the fictional names and characters in my stories are not linked to other fictional names or characters in a MMO. How meta!
5.- I´m not Edgar Allan Poe, so how about that, uh?

Posted 13 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink


  • The lost street:

    It was more of a feeling than a noise, resonating within his skull like an echo, strong enough to make him stop at the very first step into the empty street.

    Xander gave a puzzled look at the street, hoping to understand what was wrong with it. He had been here many times before, the forest of Groddle was his favorite place; Giants! he even donated to the shrine in the middle of this particular street a couple times the lask week, but now something wasn't right and he couldn't put a finger on what it was.

    The light... yeah, the light was dimmer, giving the trees an eerie dusklike aura pretty unusual in Groddle Forest. And that sound, that strange, piercing noise that came and went in waves. It was very difficult to locate the source, the humming was low, unnerving and persistent.

    - “Maybe is that DNA that I´ve been hearing tales about all week” - he thought, trying to distract himself from the chills clinging to his spine. -”it is suposed to be in hard to reach places but I can´t figure...”- suddenly,  to his left a noise in the woods, a violent crushing of leaves and twigs, a body covered by the shadows was moving directly at him. His first reaction was to step back, and doing so he tripped with a rock, hitting the floor almost head first.

    Laying on the floor, breathless, Xander closed his eyes and muttered a quick prayer to the Giants, covering his face with one hand and grabbing the Tii emblem that he always kept around his neck with the other. The seconds passed and the noise stopped. With his eyes closed he felt a presence in front of him, static, waiting. The only noise now was a heavy, erratic breathing just a couple steps away.

    He opened his eyes and for a moment thought he saw a ghost, a pale figure almost lost between the dim light of the sun and the flickering shadows of the woods behind it. But ghosts don´t breath heavily. And ghosts don´t bleed. And this apparition was doing both profusely.

    It was a young glitchen, covered in what looked like a bunch of dirty rags and barefoot. She wasn´t looking at him, she was staring at the road like it was the most incredible thing in the world. The initial fear that was clutching Xander guts was receeding, replaced by a sudden feeling of sorrow. This was a very alive and very lost glitchen!

    The hole in the bushes from where she abruptly came led to the depths of the forest, and through that hole he could see a shimmering light, like a pulsating firefly swarm. It could have been, but the colour of the light was wrong. Instead of the warm yellow glow of a firefly it was a dark blue hued aura.

    Xander stood up slowly. Giving his back to him, the girl didn't even noticed his presence, she was busy looking at the road like she was trying to believe it was real, her shoulders going up and down with every breath, all her body slightly shaking like it was going to collapse in a second or two. Little streams of blood ran along her arms, full of scratches. Her hair was a mess full of leaves and dust from who knows what kind of misadventure.

    He tried to speak but his throat just squeaked like a rusty tinkertool. The second time he tried he could mutter - "hey, can I help you?"

    She stopped shaking. Her body went rigid and stiff. The heavy breathing stopped and her hands clinched into fists so fast he could hear the bones of her fingers snap.

    She began to turn slowly her head to Xander. A slow motion movement. A very unnatural motion. Not the upper body. Not the shoulders. Just the head.

    By all the holly things in the land, Xander was sure that her head was about to turn all the way to her back, and then he will begin screaming and screaming...

    But that moment never came along. She turned her head just enough to show his face over the shoulder. Xander could see only one of her eyes. An eye that was devoid of conciousness, the eye of someone who fell asleep and forgot to close it.

    She spoke in a whispering, gentle voice.

    - go away, don´t pick the DNA -

    ... and then began to walk down the road, away from Xander, the hole in the bushes and the shrine.

    Xander was petrified. He couldn't believe his eyes. She was walking away peacefully, with his arms dripping little streams of blood, leaving small spots on the road, like a path made of spice.

    He tried to talk to her again. He was a good glitchen, his heart was full of kindness and charity and letting this wounded... thing, walk away without help was beyond his nature... but then he noticed the humming again, that low sound, that brainwave, that piercing humdrum noise.

    It had never stopped, it had been there all the time.

    The noise came from the woods. From where that poor lost soul jumped just moments ago. She came from where the noise was.

    Now he understood why the street were so strange, there were no animals on it, or at least no live animals. At the base of the shrine in the middle of the street he could see a dead butterfly. And there were no fruit trees nor bean trees, just empty, dry patches of dirt. And that dusklike light, bathing everything with a sick light...

    He snapped from the dreamlike state... was he daydreaming? He looked down the street but the girl was gone, little pools of blood being the only evidence of her existence.

    He walked to the shrine, hoping to help the butterfly to shake the uneasy feeling of being unable to help another glitchen, but It was dead. No Rook attack could do that kind of damage. The butterfly was torn, beyond help. Dead.

    He was about to stand up, rummaging his bags with haste looking for a teleportation scroll to get out of that damned street as soon as possible, when he noticed the sign under the shrine.

    - what in the name of Tii...? - he muttered through his theets.

    The sign was wrong. It wasn´t the emblem of any giant known to this world. It was the rude drawing of a glitchen skull without eyes.

    Still crouching in front of the unholy shrine, he tried to remember the name of that street. He couldn´t. That was a street no glitch should step on.

    His heart sank when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and then heard the voice of the girl whispering to his hear:

    - you should have gone, my dear -



    A glitchen by the name of Xander is lost, if you know about his whereabouts please report your findings in any of the three Bureaucratic Halls in Ur, he was last seen exploring the roads in Groddle Forest, his Papers and some of his belongings where found at the foot of the shrine located in the $$$err:notfound$$$ street

    Thanks for your help.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I better get my damn coat back.
    It is made of babies after all.
    Posted 13 years ago by Volkov Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *gives back coat* I got a closet full of those anyway :D
    Posted 13 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Many thanks to FuturaBlack for her helpfull spellcheck on "The Lost Street" 
    Posted 13 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The Roommate:

    They told me but I didn't cared, I shouldn't have buyed such a big house to live all by myself. I moved to this large Alkalol home this very morning and all my stuff is still packed.

    It was in the dead of the night when the front door woke me up with a thunderous slam, the sound of it blewing open echoed through the empty halls.

    I rushed out of the bed and stumbled down the stairs to find it ajar, slowly swinging back and forth. It was no intrusion, the lock was intact.

    It was my fault, surely I left it unlocked. I walked throug the hall remembering the words of my grandmother: “The one time you make a mistake, that´s when they get you”. I never knew who were those “they” she talked about, and surely I didn´t want to find out that night.

    Affter closing the door I checked all the house, the patio, the empty pen, the terrace, even opened the cabinet twice before going back to bed. I closed my eyes. And then I sat back up. Gotta check that door again. I knew I locked it, but got to double check because the one time you make a mistake...

    Got to the door and shook the handle, it was firmly locked. I turned back, ready to go and try to get some sleep, when I saw it. It was a glimpse, just catched it with the corner of the eye. A shadow in the living room. I jumped back, shivers down my neck, and then moved quickly to turn a light. The empty living room stared blankly at me, questioning my sanity.

    So to bed I went, convinced that it was just my mind playing games. I sat wide awake in my bed.

    Something didn´t look right in my room.

    The dim night light casted uncertain shadows through the big windows, but there was a spot, in the far corner of the big room, where I noticed that there was a large shadow. Considering the light that was shining across from it, shouldn´t have been there.

    A large standing shadow.

    I stared at it for quite some time. It was just standing there, defying the natural world by being a shadow in a patch of light.

    There I was, feeling like a tiny speck, fearful to move, fearful to think, vulnerable to everything around me, not safe any more in that cavernous room, every creack and every shadow filling my head, fully aware that I made the mistake, and now they got me.

    Slowly I reached the edge of the bed, and when my feet touched the carpet I felt something crunch beneath them. I let slip a little whimp before noticing it was a piece of paper. I took it carefully while watching intensely over the shadowy figure.

    In the paper, in big, bold, black letters, I could read:

    Posted 13 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is a wonderful idea! I love reading stories!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ayasta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The Ghost of Gopra Byle Street

    It was a day like all other days, the same old, same old things I always did. I went out for a bout of mining up in Pollokoo and Callopee, as usual, tipping my hat to fellow miners, bestowing Random kindness here and there, before taking my hauls down to the shrines of the Giants. After my usual go of donating to them, I decided I needed to go to a friend's house.

    I asked my familiar, the magic rock, to teleport me to Gopra Byle. As he did so, I thought fondly of what I could leave for my good friend while he was out and about. As I entered the house I remembered how he left it, except, this time, it wasn't how he left it.

    He'd had a meal set out on his table, an Awesome Stew and a Carrot Margarita as I recalled. It was always left out for guests, but this time, it wasn't there.

    I tracked him down out on the street. He'd been a very busy glitch, hardly ever went to his house. I asked him about the usual offering and he told me, "Well, it's just you and me, but I know I didn't take anything. I thought that you'd left that there for later?"
    "I left it there for you."
    "Oh. Well, I didn't eat the stew or drink the margarita."

    Interesting, I thought, as I nodded, shrugged, and went back to his place to plant some herbs.
    And there it was, the stew and the margarita, back where they'd been left, and something else next to them, a single birch candy. I shrugged it off, and went down into the basement.

    After harvesting and planting new herbs I came back up and found that the stew and margarita were gone. My friend wasn't there, it was just me, how could they be gone? I picked up the birch candy and dropped it again, shrugging. I walked out of the house and went out for a short while checking on things around Kalvana.

    When I returned, there was a note on the table. i picked it up and read it. It said "Beware of the trench-coated one, he will send you to hell." I scoffed, how silly my friend had been to write this note, but then, I noticed it. There was no name to the note.

    Every now and again I notice things going missing in my friends house, there's a chill in the air around there, but I do believe that perhaps, there is a Glitch that roams there. I've yet to meet the trench-coated one, though I do not believe in superstitions. Like I will go to hell because of someone, hahaha, so funny I don't believe in ghosts.

    But then, why does Gopra Byle have so many houses up for sale?

    (My silly attempt at a story, will post a followup later, or, you may be able to find it.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ayasta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • One dark morning in the middle of night,
    Two dead boys got up to fight,
    Back to back they faced eachother,
    Drew their swords and SHOT eachother,
    A deaf policeman heard this noise; came over to see what was happening,
    When he did; he drew is gun and STABBED the two boys!

    If you don't believe this lie is true,
    Just asked the blind man; he SAW it too!

    I found the the note that lead me to this thread in the left edge of Mallos Means
    Posted 12 years ago by ixaeon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for your wonderfull story Ayasta, already added to the scrolls... and beware of the trench-coated one :O
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hey Ixaeon, short and nasty, added! :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • A Dream Within a Dream

    I had a dream my house flooded last night.  Of course, the fun didn't end there, for I found that Superman could not stand the cold at the other ends of the Universe, the beginnings of the Universe.  It was cold and lonely at the beginning of time, and yet, in the beginning, all Glitchen popped out, and they were the start of sentience in our Universe, the start of true life, with their toils and their struggles.  My own story as a Glitch began with love of another Glitch, and so time evolved, going ever swifter until our current time, where humans now reigned on Earth.  Earth.  Ur.  Urth.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kirnan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Found the note @ Clamber Crag. Led me here :-)
    Posted 12 years ago by MisBehavin' Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Added the dream from Kirnan, pretty trippy!
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  •                      Unsigned Notes
     Chapter 1: A Note!
    I was in my house in Chakra Phool, chasing my chickens around and squeezing them when I noticed a note on the floor. Strange, I thought. It hadn't been there before. As I bent down to pick it up, my hyperactive imagination flashed pictures of me getting a message from one of the Giants and ending up as a prophet through my mind. I ignored the narrative and concentrated on the note.
     It was unsigned, which led my imagination to another narrative, which I quickly killed and ignored.

              Cold be hand and heart and bone
              Cold be travellers far from home
     I frowned. I WAS home.

             They do not see what lies ahead
             When Sun has failed and Moon is dead

     Well, that was weird, to say the least. The poem was well written, though weird. I absently stuffed it in my bag, already planning my journey to the upper reaches of Glitch to search for clues. It was time to play Sherlock Holmes.
     Right, anyone who gets the two references here gets gingerbread glitchlings fro Xmas :) I'll try to update this regularly, but no promises though.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lienna Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks Lienna for the first chapter of your tale, added to the library.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • A Friend At My House

    My house has been coming along great lately. Lots of jewels and musicboxes on the ground, plenty of herbs, jewels, far too many jellisacs, and a nice pile of dirt (which I think every home should have).
    I decided that it was about time I gave my friends some keys, in case they wanted to borrow or take some items to get achievements and such. I started distributing keys and magically teleporting them to my chums' key chains (which I must say are very fashionable). Having nothing more to do, I tinkered twenty or so grinders till I was smashing grapes, then I went to bed.
    I woke up, still pooped, in the middle of the night, to one girl I've talked to a few times. Dressed in a plain day gown she greeted me with "Hello, nice house. Thanks for the music boxes!" I started talking to her, but she just looked at a corner of my room (well not really a corner, as my house does not have many 3d-graph-like angles, but you know what I mean...) Then she kind of slumped, and started to lightly snore.
    I shrugged, thinking I must've bored her, or the music she was listening to put her to sleep, or maybe she had some kind of Earth problem than she needed to release her mind to spend on.
    Still quite pooped, I went to bed.
    Three hours later, I woke up, and there she was, still sleeping. I poked her a bit but she didn't react much.


    I'm trying to get back to sleep, but that light snoring is like a mosquito's humming, very unnerving. What's a mosquito? Nevermind, I'll ask Rock later. I wish I could get to sleep...


    I swear she opened her eyes for a second, then went back to snoring. Is she playing with me? I wish she'd leave. Surely she'll exit Ur soon, right?
    She's looking at me again, I'm going now...


    Half an hour later, and she's STILL there. And there's piles of dirt here and there. Either she's toying with me or
    Oh, one of my other friends is here. Thank goodness, he must've made the mess.

    Darn, I forgot to ask him before he left what he thought of the girl. He didn't even mention her. She must've woken up and talked to him like she wasn't doing anything indecent!
    I splanked her to no avail.


    FINE, I've been here tickling her f... I mean staying away from her restricted feminine body for ten whole minutes, and yet she still hasn't moved. Two can play at this game! Zzzzzzzzzz....

    ... What, was it supposed to be scary? o.o
    Posted 12 years ago by Cirnots Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Your scroll is in the library now, Cirnots.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink