
To those with technical knowledge...

I have been playing Glitch for a little while now and love it. A few weeks ago, I started noticing a fair amount of lagg. I had assumed it was just the number of people on the game possibly slowing it down. Today, I played during what I assumed would be a high volume time and noticed no such lagg, leading me to think it is an issue with my set up. Would anyone have any recommendations on what to do to trouble shoot and speed my game up? Generally, my lag shows up when selecting on items. I get a "working..." message while I wait on the menu to pop up. More recently, it has evolved into just slow rendering of other characters and other minor annoyances. A couple of times it has caused me to miss time jumps on some of the Juju bandits, and I would like to keep that from happening again if possible.

To any who can give me a hand, it would be greatly appreciated.


Posted 13 years ago by Charlie the Awesome Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Just press Q and P when playing the game.
    A ping time of over 200 indicates high network latency (packets being delayed or dropped).

    If your FPS goes below 10, it might be because your CPU is being bogged down or your page file is huge. Check your task manager and click on the performance tab to check your CPU usage and Page file usage.

    If neither of those are the problem, clear your browser cache and reload the game. Glitch makes the browser store TONS of swf files in the browser cache.

    Just be patient, loading Glitch is like loading 4 Photoshops on my Pentium 4.
    Posted 13 years ago by Macs Subscriber! | Permalink
  • FPS: 31/30
    MS: 33
    MEM: 211/211
    Ping: this one is huge, varying between 38 and 9000

    (Level 9000!?, sorry)

    So it looks like a network issue. Any recommendations? I may try swapping out the router to see if that helps.
    Posted 13 years ago by Charlie the Awesome Subscriber! | Permalink
  • WOW! You beat my personal record of 8358 for ping times. Was anyone doing any heavy downloading, streaming, or also playing Glitch while you were? If not, you either got a terrible router that got overloaded or there is lots of interference in your area.
    Posted 13 years ago by Macs Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The ping seems to have settled out a bit, ranging up to around 110. I will keep an eye on it to see if it spikes again.
    Posted 13 years ago by Charlie the Awesome Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sometimes, simply restarting the router is enough to fix all kind of network issues.
    Posted 13 years ago by BTS0x0 Subscriber! | Permalink