
Please be careful driving during this holiday season.

Let's face it - we're all busy, we all have things to do, and we're all rushing from here to there trying to get things done. But when you're on the road, please be careful when approaching pedestrian crossings, even if you've driven by them a million times before.

I just found out that my calculus professor from college died on Nov. 11 after being hit by an SUV that didn't yield to a pedestrian crossing. He was 64 and left behind a wife, five kids, and four grandchildren. That man made me believe in myself during a time when I really needed the love and support, and even though I ultimately left that college, his influence in my life propelled me forward. And his life was cut short by a driver who wasn't paying attention - probably because he was too busy thinking or worrying about something else.

It happens to us all - we get distracted behind the wheel. But Dr. Whitton's death has been a stark reminder to me that motor vehicles are dangerous when you don't have your mind in sync with your feet, e.g. mindful of the accelerator and brake. So during this holiday season, just remember that if you're driving somewhere, maybe you can be a little extra cautious. It certainly won't hurt you. Double-check before you pull out of your street. Make sure there aren't speeding cars before crossing the intersection. Be certain that the street is clear before you cross a pedestrian crossing. Especially if there's bad weather, all drivers have the responsibility to know that our decisions (and lack thereof) have consequences to everyone around us.

Don't really know why I'm posting it but I felt it had to be said.

Posted 13 years ago by LitaPie Subscriber! | Permalink


  • And don't eat while you drive, I've been into a minor fender bender because of it. There was no damage though since it was just a little bump. Luckily the guy let me off.
    Posted 13 years ago by Vinchon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Car crashes are horrid. We've had a couple really bad ones in out town this year. No deaths, but possibly two people who will never walk again.
    Posted 13 years ago by Jeff Buckley Subscriber! | Permalink