
EDIT!!!!-I have NOT had enough

It must be rehashed.

Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • :: takes diamonds and piggie cubimals :: declares everlasting love for Filox
    Derides pastafarianism.
    Promotes the Orthodox Church of the Giants of Ur.

    What were talking about again?

    Oh yeah.  :: angry ranting and plethorous pontifications ::
    Posted 12 years ago by ♪♥~ Auren ~♥♪ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • nuh uh
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I got a frog in a hole and I'm holding it hostage!
    Posted 12 years ago by Zadow, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • MooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nei-aaaayaayyaay-eigh. *snort* *stamp hoof, count to five*
    Posted 12 years ago by Filox Subscriber! | Permalink
  • First of all, we must internalize the "flatulation" of the matter by transmitting the effervescence of the "Indianisian" proximity in order to further segregate the crux of my venereal infection. Now, if I may retain my liquids here for one moment. I'd like to continue the "redundance" of my quote, unquote "intestinal tract", you see because to preclude on the issue of world domination would only circumvent - excuse me, circumcise the revelation that reflects the "Afro-disiatic" symptoms which now perpetrates the jheri curis activation. See, so by the -...
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • posts that calling out players, even one's own self, and turtles, and going so far as to reveal private medical records is expressly against TOS. *thump TOS bible energetically* decries all effervescent turtles and flatulent magenta lasagna.
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well, I have taken two online game design classes (the free trial, I can not yet afford the tuition). And with that extensive background, all I can say is none of you "get it."

    And Gadzooks - you ought to see a doctor about that. My dog's veterinarian is really good. Shall I send you the number? I am not sure he treats turtles though.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Many thanks to each of you. I have seen the error of my ways. Maybe I was jolted by turtle gas or enlightened by the poetry title.. maybe my heart opened while laughing but I'm in love with the world again. tra-la-lee-la
    Posted 12 years ago by Ooola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Ooola: If you stay here that fake, cheap, kind-of-happy state of yours won't last. We'll do what it takes. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Happy? I am enlightened! I am free of the shackles of the mortal world! Thanks to all the beautiful people here! HAPPPYYY!!! *troll- olo-lol-lo*
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Happiness???  What is this happiness of which you speak?  That kind of talk is not allowed here in this game, only negativity, condescension, and downright rudeness are allowed.  Happiness....think of the CHILDREN!!

    Remember: If you are having fun, you are offending someone.
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • (singing) lo lo li looo na na na naaa na Naaaa... eyebrows moving independently. La la li laaa la lee LAaa
    Posted 12 years ago by Ooola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • belated amusement at the phrase "F-in F box"
    Posted 12 years ago by Spaghetti Thompson Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Dear TS-
    Why did you move my thread to off topic?  I realize it has no specific direction or discussion, however it was on the top of the forums for a few days.  It was distracting all the nasty negative complainers from arguing over wood trees and herb signs.  In fact, those threads had moved so far south they almost made page 2!!  So close to being forgotten, so close to something more interesting be talked about.

    Please put a stop to these negative people.  I understand the game is supposed to be imaginative and give people lots of freedom, but all its doing is bringing these so called "non conformists" and "anti-establishment" people to the front, so they can flout the thought that no rules apply to glitch because any rule is a personal attack on them.  They complain that any kind of group are griefers or stupid because they establish their own set of game play rules.
    When really these nonconformists are in fact creating their own rules that there are no rules. See how ridiculous this sounds???

    I can't take anymore, "this group is offending me" or "how dare you play the game that way" comments.  Really how does a "tips & tricks" thread become an all out tree war?  That thread should have been locked days ago because it is insane.

    I thought this was an adult game...I think I might have to go back to playing kids games because beggars are much less annoying then these spiteful and nasty adults.

    I am all for differing opinions, we are all different, but nastiness, rudeness and all out spite is completely unnecessary.

    That's why I enjoy this thread, because sarcasm can be funny without being hurtful.
    Or how about we add like/dislike comment buttons to threads.  And similar to other comment sites, low rated comments would be hidden.

    I love this game and don't want to stop playing, but I'm getting very discouraged.  I know, I know..."Stop reading the forums then".  But the forums are full of informative threads as well as these discussions.  Perhaps we need an additional thread category called "Discussions", that once a thread gets to this arguing stage, it get moved there, not at the top of general, making it the first thing we see.

    Thank you for your time and I apologize to my fellow glitchen reading this post because its Off topic (LOL) from the original discussion, but I had to get it off my chest.

    Back to the important topic: HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME.  I heard from my moms, cousins, uncles, sisters, brother-in-laws, dogs vet that the reset will be May 5th. 2013.
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • How do you DARE to post such a wall of text without a TL;DR!

    You forced me to read it all.

    Worse even, I ended up AGREEING with you.

    Oh, the horror!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maintains stance of firmly ignoring and/or vigorously laughing at negative nitwits, selfish self-servers, overly-invested ogres and arrogant asshats who can't cope with people who don't play the same way they do. These are the children who rubbed out hopscotch grids in grade school because they were the "wrong" color, or peed in the sandbox so no one else would use it.

    Completely disagree that reset will be May 5th of any year. Reset will be January 12, 2012, which is coincidentally poster's next birthday and poster will be too busy getting smashed to worry about game resetting until the ka-ka has hit the fan and splattered fantastically. Staff o' Orphans will have read the first 10,000 hateful, resentful posts, threads, comments and IMs before poster is sober enough to find keyboard. *complete faith in this theory*

    tl;dr *not sure if it belongs before or after*

    Update of chick cubi count. Announcement of intention to set record for owning most chick cubis.
    Posted 12 years ago by Filox Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Seriously where does asshat com from??  I have never heard that before this game, but it makes me laugh everytime.

    I completely disagree with everyone who has posted above me, but I also agree with everyone who posted after me.   (since I started this thread, what does that say?)

    Has anyone visited Afar Whence in Tamila?  It seems the chicken there have been following this debate.  Strange, I didn't think chickens read the forums...(Note to self-do not talk bad about chickens in case they are reading this and plotting my demise)

    Thoughts about starting a new group named "Steve"?  Please vote nay or yay.

    *Random cubimal sale announcement- Batterfly for 40 guano

    I am now making a rule that everyone must make a rule.

    @Ximenez -I think your name sounds like a new type of prescription drug.  Side effects include dizziness, blinking purple spots and occasional fits of giggles.  These may or may not be permanent or lethal.
    Other than that, i cannot use TLDR because I feel it is racist again deers of any other color.

    @Kookaburra-your name sounds like crazy donkey. (I refuse to acknowledge that it may be a bird or even a song).  So henceforth I shall refer to you as CrazyDonkey.  Or would you prefer Crazy Ass?  Or Crazy Asshat even?

    @Ooola-either you got a super sale when you bought a vowel or sumbudy dun screwed you in scrabble.  But whatever it is you are on....**whispers** Please share   :)

    @Filox-I have a chick cubi, therefore you will always be one short, therefore i win.

    @Everyone else reading:  Ignore the airbubbles in Lake Alakol...those are just from the Ur has NOTHING to do with mean Glitchen sleeping with the fishes...nothing I tell you!
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "Crazy Asshat," thank you very much for asking.

    Other than that, I do not agtree with ANYTHING Gadzooks said. Although if you take every fifth word of every third post of hers it deciphers into a secret message to the chickens about the upcoming coup attempt. You should have known better than to trust a chicken named "Bubbles."

    OK, I am off to warn Stoot, et al.

    ETA: My rule is everyone must doff their hat and bow whenever they encounter a Glitch named after a bird who features in a popular folk song. If said character is not wearing a hat, they must pay a fee of 5 currants to said birdie Glitch.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *whew* thanks for the chick cubi count update! Panic attack diverted. But what about a F-n-F color block? Can we still get those? Is there a nerf? I'll trade you a nose bean. That's my final offer.

    If only real life names were so wonderfully creative. Can you imagine a banker named Gadzooks G. Rockerfeller?
    Extra "o" in Ooola is purely for sound effect. Feel free to add as many as needed. If yelling from a distance, more ooooo's may be required. lol

    @Kookaburra.. I
    Posted 12 years ago by Ooola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • .... wonder if the coup has started?
    Half my message disappeared!! New regime censorship? I wonder. Apparently my messages to each of you was top secret and edited. I did invoke the Rockerfeller name.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ooola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • wait a minute.. Zadow warned us he had a frog in a hole hostage..
    oh no...
    Posted 12 years ago by Ooola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • [*Whispers:* Gadzooks, how come you know about my name? By the way, I have some left. For you, special price.]

    Ooo(oo)la (extra o's in case you didn't hear the previous ones): Now I demand these names be used in real life. Kookaburra & Ooola Gates Foundation for the win!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I just realized "Stoot" is Toots backwards...

    "What's in a name? That which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet."

    Not sure I want to smell Stoot though >_>
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I eat chick cubis for breakfast.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I HATE YOU ALL. *sobs*
    Posted 12 years ago by anonymoose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • awww, anonymoose... here, take two Ximenez capsules with a Pumpkin Beer. Kookaburra might make you a nice chick cube breakfast.

    :::psst:: Ximenez, can I get a refill? I'll give you a Timothy Leary doll. (I have a foundation connection, ya know?) Winning!

    TOOTS!! hahahaahaaah perfect codename A "stoot" sounds like a furry burrowing creature that carries food into an underground nest. :::nature documentary voiceover::: Here we see the wild smelly stoot gathering acorns.

    :::says 'Kookaburra' really fast:: sounds like a bird call to me.. ka-KAW ka-KAW
    Gadzooks!!=astounding (def.) yep
    I sense an impending Group Hug. I Lub U Guys. *goofy grin*
    Posted 12 years ago by Ooola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Late to thread.
    Long paragraph pointing out the merits of the various arguments displayed here.
    Sudden transition suggesting a compromise path that features many of the aforementioned merits, that adroitly threads its way through a maze of potential pitfalls, downsides, intrusive features, etc.
    Admission that this is just my opinion.
    Cynical, sardonic prod at some of the worst ideas suggested. Inferences made about parentage, intelligence, and hygiene of those posters, but carefully omitting names.
    Drawn out conclusion.
    Praise to TS.

    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Ooola: All I own I'll give you for that Timoty Leary doll...
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitchmas???  Really??  The nerve of these people to shove their religions down my throat!
    Don't they know I'm Lemmish???

    Anyways eggnog is like drinking baby chickens.

    But we built a snowman
    I tried to make Ooola prettier, but theres not enough purple in all of UR

    Bah HUMbutterflys.

    I luv my girls
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh, I want so much to go to the new party place!

    I mean, so I can denounce it as another plot to bring down Humbabaism, of course.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • LOUD GRUMBLING and excessive FLOUNCING over the fact that only one person has commented since last night.

    Sarcastic & snarky comments aimed at other players showing disbelief that they have lives outside this game that may have prevented them from reading this thread.

    Debate-should i sell wood tree beans for 1 currant each to encourage more tree wars?

    I need MOAR credits now to purchase Glitchmas themed clothes (even though I may or may not be Lemmish).  Why does my sub have to renew the day AFTER christmas?   :*( 
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Off topic - oooo, we look so Glitchmas-y on the tree. That has to be the prettiest tree in all of Ur!
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well done, Kookaburra! If we make a few posts truly related to the game, maybe we'll trick Blanky into moving the thread back to General!

    @Gadzooks: I wish there was a way to transfer credits. I have a surplus.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • not enough purple in Ur... BAH hahahahaaaaaaaa I can't argue with that. I may die laughing tho.

    As a dedicated Pastafarian, I completely embrace the celebrations of all faiths. You know what they say... where there's a party, there's a pastafarian. All religions are simply a step in the journey to a fully cooked noodle. Once your noodle is cooked, you don't have a care in the world. So bring on the decorations, baby chick nog and the crackers.... LET's PARTY !! (after Recurse Eve will continue to flame the tree wars, make fun of unreasonable demands within reason and snap at snarkbutts like a turtle lasagne)

    P.S. squeeee over the fun at Wintery Party
    P.S.S. sadface that Ximenez could not be there too... I put the Timothy Leary doll under a tree and someone took it but I think I can trick Rube into giving me another one.
    P.S.S.(a) chide Crash for being too good at disguising names and asks to be told names privately for Naughty or Nice Spreadsheet
    Posted 12 years ago by Ooola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Ooola: If I say that I truly and thoroughly enjoyed your post, laughing all the way through it, it would be horrifically out of character (at least for this thread), so I won't.

    But I'd like to.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sarcastic comments withheld on account of glitchmas and annoyance at anti-glitchmas grinches. Having a cracking time at all the parties to annoy them back. Revenge is sweet buwahahahahaaaa!!!

    (I ... vill be bahkkkk! Vach zis spess!)

    ETA: Timothy Leary doll!! Where?!!!!!!
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @natsumi: I believe you get the Timothy Leary doll after completing the ghosts quest 11 times.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • no you get it after 13 purple journeys, but only on the 5th of Doom in an even numbered year
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Happy Glitchmas all of you grouchy Glitchen!

    Whatever you are doing over the next few days - I hope it is wonderful and Glitch-o-licious!

    /back to our regularly scheduled program/
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Umm. Hi.
    Where can I get salt?
    Posted 12 years ago by Voluptua Sneezelips Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *grumble grumble* Happy Glitchmas *grumble grumble*

    @Voluptua: all the salt is gone. You arrived too late.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think we used all the salt for Glitchmas decorating. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ooola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I knew it wasn't snow!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • and you say that kittens should be added? no! they will cutify us!
    Posted 12 years ago by ugli Subscriber! | Permalink
  • and you say that kittens should be added? no! they will cutify us!
    Posted 12 years ago by ugli Subscriber! | Permalink
  • and you say that kittens should be added? no! they will cutify us!
    Posted 12 years ago by ugli Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cutify! Aargh!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • To everyone who posted since my last comment, the answer is "no".
    Posted 12 years ago by Fussycat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thats right cool glitches go to the cool parties

    although, towards the end of the night, too much hooch was drunk and the yeti started getting fresh....

    Filox is now Mrs. Yeti.
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
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