
Reaching out a bit for support


I used to have a lot of friends here that I stayed in touch with, but I must have offended them accidentally because I don't hear from them anymore.

Tonight I tried to reach out but everyone is very busy, especially on a holiday weekend.

So, here's why I was trying to make a connection

I'm feeling really sad because my husband, who had a lung transplant about 5 years ago, has failing kidneys now.  This is not uncommon after transplant (I didn't know that before... do now).  So I'm scared.  We're getting him signed up for a kidney transplant, but it's still scary.  And I'm feeling lonely.  After the new year I'm going to get a counselor, but in the meantime, when I spend any time at all alone with my brain, big fat fear monsters get in there and stir stuff up.  So, I'm trying to not be alone with my brain.

So, here's what I need.  My friends used to use one of the groups and chat during the game.  We might each be doing something different but we stayed in touch socially and also helped each other with the game - through the group chat.  That group has pretty much died.

Is there a friendly group that still does that.  Nice people only please.  I'm not going to dump all my crap on them.  It would just be nice if there was someone to say "hi" when you long in, and answer when you say good night, etc.


Posted 12 years ago by ArtOfHands RoboGirl Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Thank you to the lovely people who reached back! 

    I found a nice new group and made some new friends.

    Posted 12 years ago by ArtOfHands RoboGirl Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hugs dear! 
    Posted 12 years ago by Jeff Buckley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ss about your husband.  It is scary, but things can be done.  I'm glad you found a new group.  Best wishes for both of you.  If it is okay with you I'll add you to my prayers.
    Posted 12 years ago by Marla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hullloooooo Sarah the Three Robot Creator ! Good for you for reaching out.
    Glitch helps me fight the big fear monsters too. Those guys have been too busy this year.
    Sometimes I'm chatty... othertimes just puttering around petting pigs or harvesting but always happy to meet a nice person.
    I hope you and your husband enjoy the holidays.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ooola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ooh Sarah.  :`(
    (( huggles ))  I wish I had seen your post before just now, I was in game a lot this morning and early afternoon and for sure I would have come and made friends with you.  I'm always there to lend a ear / shoulder for crying and venting and raging and whatever else you feel and that you need to get out.

    I'm glad you made some new friends & please know I am here for you too, we can get to know each other and I can help be your support through all these hard times.  =)
    Posted 12 years ago by ??~ Auren ~?? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ((Thee)) Wuv ya! We're still here for you.
    Posted 12 years ago by GreyGoose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • What group did you find? I was kind of looking for something similar, to be honest.  I"m around in game...just send me a message!

    I"m sorry to hear about your husband, I hope his transplant goes well!
    Posted 12 years ago by Feylin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Really sorry to hear your news, i recognise you as Art of Hands from faunasphere and we chatted a few times through the FS group chat here in Glitch
    I'm guilty of not having been on there much for a while. The window stopped coming up automatically, and I just haven't played as much - pressures of work etc.
    I'll send you both all my best wishes and will be thinking of you. I know very little about the problems you face but I humbly offer whatever support I can give.
    I'll make a point of checking for you in group chat next time I'm on. I'm based in U.K. so I know our time zones are a bit out but I'll keep trying until I catch you.
    Hold on in there!
    Twoodle xxx
    Posted 12 years ago by Twoodle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sorry to hear your news.  I always monitor the FS group but it hasn't been very active lately.  I'm also in the UK but often keep insomniac hours so hope to see you around.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tiresias Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ((((((Thee Robot Creator))))))

    Will talk more on group chats; hopefully to you....
    Posted 12 years ago by Mocha Maid Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Aww, I am so sorry to hear this.  You and your husband are in my prayers.  I hope that he has some improvement.  I wish I could be there to hug you in person.  if you need me, just IM me in game or message me at FB.  I will try to pay closer attention.

    I belong to several Groups but often forget to watch the Chat so I miss a lot.  As a Greeter, I do spend a lot of time in Greeter chat so I won't miss a Greet when it is offered.
    Posted 12 years ago by Brib Annie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hi Sarah:  SS to hear about your husband. I hope he is feeling better soon.  I have also noticed that a lot of my long-time friends are no longer around.   I think the holidays have a lot to do with it, so don't give up on them.  
    Posted 12 years ago by Cat A. Tonic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am so sorry to hear about your husband's illness and can only imagine the anxiety and fear you're experiencing, so please know you both are in my thoughts. I'm glad you found a new group, and I hope we, too, can link up in the game and have some smiles. (I was Mollie9 in FS.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Mollie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hello Sarah,

    I'm so sorry for the news about your husband. I can understand the loneliness and uncertainty you must be feeling right now. I am glad to hear that you have found a new group to interact with. I know some just feel this is a game but even the most unlikely places can help pull somebody through a rough time. 
    Wishing you and your husband all the best in the coming year!
    Posted 12 years ago by Nathicana Subscriber! | Permalink