
Parents of kids: A thread for funny things our kids do/say

Mostly I just wanted a thread in which I could share this:

My kids were playing Dark Hide And Seek (it's hide and seek, in the dark, played with flashlights) and then transitioned to Jail (which just seemed to involve my daughter shouting at my son to get back in his prison cell and him falling down laughing at her prison warden voice) and then my daughter (7 yrs) said "OK now let's play Cops and Robbers!" and my son (11 yrs) asked her, "How do you play that?" And she explained "You be the robber, you go rob the bank and then I'll be the cop! I'll sit here and eat donuts and drink coffee and wait and then go catch you and put you in jail!" When he went to go rob the bank she turned to me and said, "Do you know why cops eat donuts and drink coffee so much? It's to keep them awake! All the sugar, from the donuts, and the caffeine, in the coffee!" 

ahahahahahahaha XD

So ok amuse me with your stories of childly awesomeness.  *^__^*

Posted 12 years ago by ??~ Auren ~?? Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Too cute Miso :)
    My youngest son (2yrs old) wakes me every morning by coming into the bedroom, crawling up on the bed beside me, says, "Good Morning Honey" n gives me a big kiss on the cheek!
    He makes my day! :)
    Posted 12 years ago by litlc Subscriber! | Permalink
  • OK so I think we are the only ones with funny kids- While eating crablegs for dinner my husband yells ouch - my 2 year old used the crab claw and actually pinched him with it!
    Poor hubby, it even left a mark, but my son thought that was hillarious!
    Posted 12 years ago by litlc Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My nephew:
    "I don't want to go to sleep. You all will be down here and I will miss the fun, and you can never have that fun once you miss it"

    wise kid.
    Posted 12 years ago by MrVolare Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My youngest (just turned 4) was in the car on the way to preschool and found her elder brother's Xmas card (a flying angel with stripy robes) in the car glove-box, she turned it this way and that , and then  said 'what kind of superhero's this then?' 
    Posted 12 years ago by Myrtle Goodbody Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Aaah my sweet 7yr old little girl at the bus stop, in reply to the woman who said hello to her said "i don't want to talk to you, you look scary".
    Posted 12 years ago by OL. Der Dan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My roommate's 5 year old brother was playing with his new truck when the wheels fell off.  She asked him what happened and he sadly said, "It was defective".
    Posted 12 years ago by Brib Annie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My two-year-old cannot pronounce the word "fish" in a socially acceptable manner.  This was most evident the other day.

    We were at the supermarket, and we passed the display of ninety-eight cent theatre-style box candies, of which his favorite is Swedish Fish.  Upon seeing the trademark red-and-yellow box, he immediately began shouting "Eat sh**, eat sh**!  Yum yum, see cool sh**?!"

    Oh, the looks our small, cringing family garnered as we inched our way slowly toward the checkouts, our frantic toddler shrieking all the while about (apparently) ingesting the already-been-ingested.  "Yes, sweetie, your FISH."  I kept repeating to him in that up-beat, nice-mommy voice, just loud enough for those in our vicinity to hear and thus hopefully to exculpate myself from being this horrific parent of a sailor-tongued demon baby.  "You want your FISH."

    You know how people say "I nearly died"?  I get it now.  I was about ready to dive head first into the clearance display of surplus festive winter hatchets (yes.) and hope for a quick and lucky end to my suffering (of course, they had them all blister packaged, so I guess it would have had to've been really lucky).

    In retrospect, I'm thinking this is a story I will tell him when he is in college.  Or maybe at his wedding.  

    Yeah, this parenting stuff?  It's a blast.



    Also, years ago, when my husband and I were living with some friends in the state of Washington, one of them had a three-year-old girl.  This little girl had dreams of someday becoming an astronaut.  She was pretty vocal about her ambitions, too, but she just couldn't get the hang of the word "astronaut."  And, so, when people would take the bait and ask her "Oh, really, so what are you going to be, then?", she'd stand tall and proudly proclaim "I wan be a ALIEN when I grow up!"

    "A ... what?"

    "A alien. In space!" (here, she'd raise her arms over her head, stand on her tiptoes, and lean a bit to the side, as if doing so might help illustrate the idea a three-year-old would have of being in a rocket-ship hurtling through some cartoony, sparkle-studded void.)

    "Wow.  That's, uh, really ... wow.  An alien, huh?"

    Such discourse was usually followed by that inevitable, hapless, totally puzzled "a little help here" glance over to the parent.  And, of course, said parent would jump right in, explain the whole astronaut thing. 

    Personally, though, I totally thought "alien" was a much cooler ambition for a child to have.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kipple Subscriber! | Permalink
  • David is at it again - after he woke up from nap he tooted really loud, I asked "David did you toot?" , his reply, "No, cat did it!"
    HA HA what a guy. :)

    I LOVE the posts - have a great day all.
    Posted 12 years ago by litlc Subscriber! | Permalink