
Glitchen Impossible

Piece of Serenity: *drops pin*

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: shh! not so loud!

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *whispers:* sorry

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *still whispering:* when do you think the show will start?

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: *mimes* idk. I think this is a preshow

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *thinks to self:* wtf is she doing waving her arms around like a helicopter?

anne216 in reply to Piece of Serenity: Shhush, she thinks she's directing traffic.

Piece of Serenity in reply to anne216: O.O *whispers to anne:* in here? theres no room for anymore helecopters.

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: *mimes breaking down a wall to let in more helicopters*

anne216 in reply to Piece of Serenity: I know, but Bored is delusional with the lack of Glitch, we must humour her until Kevbob can help us out.

bored no more in reply to anne216: why do you think I'm bringing in the helicopters?

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *whispers to bored:* again? omgiants how many do you think we will need today?

Piece of Serenity in reply to anne216: kevbob kevbob he's our... ooops

anne216 in reply to Piece of Serenity: Why do we need helicopters? I know i'm gonna regret asking that!!

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: 37 devs, with 4 to a heli... 10. one will have to ride alone.

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *whispers loudly* shhhhh dont let them hear us

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: 1 is the lonliest number..

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: *writes down* sorry

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *whispers* not a problem. they are all still asleep i think.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: ...except for Serguei. he's in there prentending to sleep again.

Piece of Serenity: O.O uhoh..Alaradia is awake now. operation Lemburger Stew is a go.

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: Ground Control, this is Bravo Oscar Romeo Echo Delta. Are we clear for takeoff?

anne216 in reply to Piece of Serenity: Good luck, hope its mission success, if not please know you were loved and served well. "sits omming for Piece's safe return"

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *hears through the radio* Bravo Oscar Romeo Echo Delta this is Ground Control. We are waiting for a chicken to be removed from the runway. I will advise.

anne216 in reply to bored no more: Go Bored, be safe. Godspeed.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *looks at bored* O.O Ground Control this is Papa India Echo Charlie Echo. What the hell are you smoking in there. This aint no jet plane.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *Peeks in the back seet* wth is Anne?

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: someone had to direct traffic

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *turns back to look at devar* Damn, Puff is on the move.

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: Goldilocks is staying put, awaiting Papa Bear's instructions.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *crackle of the radio* Bravo Oscar Romeo Echo Delta this is Ground Control. We are aware that you are not a jet plane. You are a banana.

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *manic gleem in eyes. rubs hands together* Good, good, good. He will never see us coming.

Piece of Serenity: *looks at bored* Puff is on Konkan Carom. If we could just get off the ground that is a great street to grab her.

bored no more: *slowly manuevers heli toward Goldilocks, making her way through the flying pig storm*

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *wonders how Ground Control got a supply of purple*

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: sounds good. *changes direction*

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *thunk. squeeeee*

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: thank goodness we changed directions. that pig storm looked vicious.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: Coming up on Via Velaya now. Sure hope she doesnt hear us before we get to Konkan Carom.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: Do i smell smoke?

bored no more: *flies higher so Puff won't hear the copter*

Piece of Serenity: um bored. the giants misremembered the map again

Piece of Serenity: *sounds of engine trouple* *bored and Piece turn to look at each other.* uhoh! Ground Control. Ground Control. We are going down.

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: ok *sigh* *turns on radio* Ground Control, we're going to have to come back. our copter was damaged by a flying pig and the giants are arguing about the best way to follow Puff

bored no more: *thump* *squeal* Oh no! another flying pig has attacked! we're going down!

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *shakes fist in aire* Dang you Puff and your AKVI and VII skills.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *sounds of crashing and squealing and pig noises too* *bored and Piece take a deep breath* *Piece turns to bored* If you will follow me I will tp us back to base. *bored responds* will do. *whoosh*

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: wait a second. you want to leave now? I have a better idea. and is whoosh the best you can do? you're losing your touch, kid.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *some guy in a cat suit runs up and hands Piece a note* Piece, Puff has returned to castle. eom Lovely! Bored, Puff has gone back to her castle. When will our r&d find a way around their force field? Uggg this is madening. We almost got to her in time.

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: Curses! Foiled again! *leaves cavern and finds that the Giant Positioning System is working again. turns to Piece* Puff will come out sometime. let's go catch us a Goldilocks.

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: O.O really? that was a pig storm and you were driving!!!!!

bored no more: Damn dirty pigs. I'll get you yet!

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: *annoying music* Will Puff come out of her castle? Will our heros catch them a Goldilocks? Are they heroes? We will find out after a breif comercial break *annoying music*Rook-B-Gone! The latest and greatest concoction by B&P Industries. Use it in your garden. Use it in the streets. Rook-B-Gone! It can't be beat!We now return you to our program where we join bored and Piece in a new helicopter awaiting clearance from Ground Control.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *staring at the devar* Puff left the castle, but she went into the mines. Next time Puff, next time. Ooooooh. Lookie, here bored. It's Himself, Superman. (dun dun duuuunnn) *Piece and Bored look around for the source of the noise.* (Superman, the most feared dev of them all. He has been know to drop a bug with the press of a key. And he likes them juuuiiicccyy.)

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: really? voice overs? what are we gonna do next- a musical?

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: Hmmmm. If Jhenn were here I bet we could work up a musical while we wait for 'Superman' to come out of his nice little force field protected FLW inspired white with cream and brown undertones castle.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: Bored! I got it!!!! The Sound of Chickens. Whatcha think?

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: love it! "bok- a deer, a female deer" "cluck- a drop of golden sun"

Araldia in reply to Piece of Serenity: I think I am missing something also

bored no more in reply to Araldia: nope- me and Piece are the ones that lost it

Piece of Serenity in reply to Araldia: *pollishes halo. whistles*

Araldia in reply to bored no more: Wait, do I hear a helicopter?

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: Sitting on my favorite street ever will not protect you Puff

Piece of Serenity in reply to Araldia: Change of plans Bored. Yes again. I must get my arch devemy Puff.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: Turn and head for... Damn. *recalculating...recalculating*

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: dammit piece! I'm a pilot, not a washing machine! We can't just go around changing directions all the time.

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: Ok. Scotty! Who do you want to chase down? Puff is on to us now and is hopping form street to street like a mad woman, and Superman won't come out of his house. And no, I am not ready to go after the Goldylocks (duh duh dunnnnnnn)

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: *sigh* ok, Puff it is then. but we need a diversion. she's your devemy- what do you suggest?

Piece of Serenity in reply to bored no more: The deeps Puff? Really? Geesh, gotta make this hard much?

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: Think you can navagate the mines bored?

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: might lower the batterfly population due to the copter blades, but yeah, I think so

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: OH!!! You know what happen to have here in my never seen before, but had it all along bag? A game generated TP Script for Subarna Spells. She will never hear us this time. Time to go afoot bored.

bored no more in reply to Piece of Serenity: *sigh* oh alright *mutters to self* I shoulda stayed in the forums

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *bored follows Piece* poof *bored and Piece race to the street sign for Ajaya Bliss* Ok, quick and quiet. They enter Ajay bliss searching for Puff.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: *whispers* Good thing I had a key in my bag. I see her. She is climbing up the ladder.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: ok. ready. she's not looking. go go go *bored and Piece fly across the landings quiet as church mice when all of a sudden...

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: ...batterflys come pouring out of the crevaces swarming bored and Piece. Puff cackles as the batterflies pick bored up and carry her up to the landing above the stairs while Piece was being trapped by a mound of plop. Puff snaps her finger and the batterflies create a bridge to the doorway* Dear, dear Piece, you should have known better to come after me. I am way more powerful than the Goldilocks. *wild cackle.* Oh and Piece, i have locked this room from allowing Tp's in or out. Now whatcha gonna do? * and with a 'poof' Puff and bored dissapear.

Piece of Serenity in reply to Piece of Serenity: Where will Puff take bored? Will Piece ever get the plop out of her corset? How will the dinamic duo escape Puff's trap?

Jobynana in reply to Piece of Serenity: Oh noes! :-O

Araldia in reply to Piece of Serenity: MWAHAHAHA

Posted 13 years ago by goodstory Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1 to jasbo for the title
    Posted 13 years ago by goodstory Subscriber! | Permalink
  • wow.... that must have taken you ages! thanks so much! :D
    Posted 13 years ago by bored no more Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Awesome! So glad someone copied this:) You guys cracked me up this morning!
    Posted 13 years ago by RM Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Whoot to goodstory for capturing this manic diversion from waiting and jasbo for the great title. Also thank you goodstory for posting this here. :D Hope everyone enjoys.
    Posted 13 years ago by Piece of Serenity Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This was so much fun to read in the updates and so glad it was brought over here so I could read it all in one go again!  ROFLMAO, great work guys, thanks! ;-)
    Posted 13 years ago by ?joby? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think they need to get their act together and take it on the road...We would all gladly buy tickets!  Agreed ROFLMAOPMP!
    Posted 13 years ago by MisAdventure Subscriber! | Permalink
  • WOW
    great fun, thanks
    Posted 13 years ago by Kaliope Muse Subscriber! | Permalink
  • :)
    Posted 13 years ago by jasbo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • wow, that was fantastic!
    Posted 13 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • hehe :) love it
    Posted 13 years ago by Lelu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 13 years ago by marycontrary Subscriber! | Permalink
  • bahahahahahaha... Thanks for the laughs! :)
    Posted 13 years ago by BumbleBeez Subscriber! | Permalink