Ann DramaDuh's Snaps

Who killed this poor little tree?
We're on the very last feat, and it is fun! Plus, look what we...
Bye bye, Crab.
Bye ... bye ... bye ... bye ... bye ... bye ... bye ...
Pretty. My yard and tower ... so pretty.
Okay, okay.... I'll say it.... *sigh*... "BFF"
I will miss this madhouse of butterflies, chickens, and piggies.
The floating scoops of land ... so beautiful.
I used to come here a lot .. Groddle Meadow... how I will miss...
Victory is mine! I got it!
Wait! I meant to say, "blue". No, orange! No ... aww,...
Dum dee dum dee ...
And now they've all gone on break! Oh. My. God!
There are five ... count 'em! Five! Civil Servants staring at me...
**whine** I don't wanna wait!
And yet I need ANOTHER building permit. *sigh*
I got a piggy-feeder for a sprig of rookswart. Dayam, I'm good!
Great. You're still stalking me.
Maybe it crawled over here.
Shhh .... I think it's still there. Don't move.
OMG, Fern! That spider can jump! Run awaaaaaaaay!
Pepperdragon! Stop playing hide 'n' seek!
Do you kiss on the first date?
Piggies and chickens shall all roam free. But not the...
Aerial view of my tower. (hee hee hee!)
Finally, an actual SITTING Glitchen. It is SO!!!
Voluptua told me that ... such a kidder!
Grab his tail when he goes by! They don't bite!
There he is! Brush!
Psst! Rick! Get over here! You're gonna scare him away!
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