Ann DramaDuh

(Jennifer W.)

Keep in touch, all ye fellow Glitchen! I'm


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There, I've "archived" my own thing. I've archived the one forum thread that I think is special, more special than the others. I copied and pasted (but not on acid free paper, sorry) the thread about the unmasked secrets the devs have been revealing to us over time. If you would like a copy, you may ask and I will share. It is my one, teensy, tiny, wittle contribution...not much, really, anyone can copy and paste, but I wanted to make at least a tiny bit of effort! Wow, I think I'm tired. Good night, Groddle, good night...

6 replies

Status update
Ann DramaDuh

I would like a copy, Minkey. How do I go about getting that?

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Marla

    I would like a copy too, please.

    1 reply

  2. Minkey

    done and sent!! I sent it in open office and in windows so if it doesn't open, just let me know and I'll try sending it in text format... wheeee

Status update
Ann DramaDuh

I've moved over to Mage Faire as Ann_DramaDuh_the_Charmer. Come on over and register. Alpha testing will begin soon - it's not open yet, but you can get comfortable in the forums with old (and new) friends while you wait. :)

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Minkey

    and I am, too, can receive new name suggestions, if you so please!

Bad Robot Bad Robot added Ann DramaDuh as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
DollDoll DollDoll added Ann DramaDuh as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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The clothes are no problem, but I like to change my overall appearance along with the clothes, in whatever way my whim takes me :p

1 reply

Status update
Ann DramaDuh

Oh ... now I understand. Well, you can have fun trying!

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