Scarf's Snaps

My final visit
What do I do with 400+ Gameshow tickets?
Ha, mathy.
So there IS a candy cane here...
Shh... They don't realize I'm not a piggy...
Me and my craftybot
Aww, it's working!
Why am I happy in this snot balloon?
Awww... Lopsided!
Waiting for Puzzle 4
My own grave
Rube and the Wrizzards
I'm piggy sized!
Crazy Times with the Vendor
SDB variation.
Piggy Herder Function
Yay, I'm getting better at this!
Aww, high five!
Ha ha ha! Moustache?
I really want a chair like this in real life. Can you imagine its...
Rhodan's Jellisac Museum. But there's no audio guide!
I need boards!!
503rd street visited! Maybe I should give them the rest of the...
More jumping.
Um... what?
Another banana delivered. 97 left until the Gregarious Gunther...
My newest SDB arrangement.
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