

Sweet Stuff Ng Sweet Stuff Ng added Scarf as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Last Day Spam 1: Meat: Or, my ultimate multi-use item. I used it to top up donations to the max, when I cared about not going over by too much, and as a steady currant source. Also, as an emergency energy source. I used to carry around awesome stews for energy, but they took up a lot of space. Sometimes I had no energy and a piggy was right there, so I nibbled a bit to tide me over until I could get to my house to replenish properly. And of course, for cooking. And savory smoothies, I guess. Some people used it for piggy feed too, possibly because it was cannibalism. I kinda wish that I had some butcher paper to wrap the meat in. Well, I guess the meat is cleaned or packaged by the piggy beforehand... Then again, Glitchen don't get sick, so raw meat isn't exactly a problem.

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  1. Hab

    Glad to see your last day remembrances, Spam. Thanks for sharing all your memories - brought back some good times and made it easier saying goodbye. I wish I had known you before. I'll be watching for any other thoughts - not sure when things will really be shut down for the updates page today - we'll see. But in any case, loved them. All of them. :')

Jus​tin Jus​tin added Scarf as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
moucri moucri added Scarf as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update

Oh yeah, I'll repost this to remind myself: Butler maker: I can still basically remake my Butler from memory. Blue mushroom head, both eyes shut expression, green scarf, white and blue body, left and right arms striped green and blue, left leg black with white tip and right leg black with white spots.

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I'm in my chosen archival outfit...kind of miss that octopus though! Okay, going to run so I can be back for the singing of GNG. I wonder if I'll be thinking of Glitch while I'm outside?? yes, probably!

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*tips hat to you* That is an excellent choice of hat.

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  1. Minkey

    *tips hat while she still can* you too, fine choice, fine choice! (don't leave it in the sun though...)