
With time I'll wither away, but for now we must dance. Nov 03, 2012: You can reach me here whilst I'm away ?


Status update

Hey guys, I had a lot of fun. Thanks for everything. Good luck and have an awesome adventure in whatever you decided to participate in.

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Theremina Lute Theremina Lute added Rook as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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And a great big HELLO to you too!

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Status update

Hullo, Kastlin! I knew you'd be here! :D I'll miss you when the site's gone. :( Do you plan on being contactable in any other way?

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  1. kastlin

    Yes! A couple of links are now on my profile page, and I'm sending you my e-mail in just a second. {{{hugs}}}

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Hey Rook! Good to see you. Take care my friend.

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Status update

You too! I enjoyed your company lots! You were always so nice to me :)

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