Theremina Lute

(Lucy K)

Imagined Standday 28th of Bruise, year 17. See Soundcloud for Glitchy music. Please keep in touch - see links. I'll always be Glitchen. xx


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Scarlett Bearsdale

I don't have words to describe what this game has meant to me. I learned so much about myself while playing, and I practiced being the person I want to be, the best version of myself, while in Ur. I was braver here, and I attempted to do things that I would have been far too afraid to try IRL - at least, back then. I grew a lot while being a fuzzy little muppet, and I earned myself a new Internet identity in the meantime. I am so grateful that I had friends who pointed me to this game, and for the many,many friends I made while playing. Some of these carry over into my life now, many of you I see on FB, and the rest I will carry in my heart. I plan to weave bedtime stories for my children out of the threads of Ur, sing goodnight groddle to them at night, and teach them the lessons of the giants. I will always be a glitch at heart. I love you all. A long time ago, eleven giants walked around, and thought of mant things until their thinking came alive. And that's what this game was, we were inside their thoughts. Now go and make your world bigger and we'll play for a long while. <3

1 reply

Status update
Theremina Lute

Well put, SB, I feel so much the same way. Take care of yourself!

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Guys, I've said a lot of things, but nothing can truly express what Glitch means to me. I've had so much fun jumping for no reason, and I've met so many friends. Even if we shall never meet again, I will remember you with all my heart.

2 replies

Status update
Theremina Lute

You were such an inspiring Glitchen! I'll never forget Glitch and all its preposterous amazingness.

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This is not goodbye. It's 'au revoir' -- until I see you again. :)

2 replies

Status update
Theremina Lute

Lelu - I just want to say thank you again while I have the chance. I'd never have had the guts to publish any of my music if you hadn't produced yours :)

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Lelu

    Theremina! I didn't know that. I'm so glad you did! Your music has added so much to our community. ((hugs)) I hope you always have courage to let your light shine. :)

  2. Hellyeah

    Hence, at first I have confused you and Lelu (both great talents!) lol. Salutes ye both, Lelute!

Eris Lord Freedom Eris Lord Freedom added Theremina Lute as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
camicami camicami added Theremina Lute as a friend! (it's mutual)
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Smallchalet Smallchalet added Theremina Lute as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago