
This is it. This is the end. All I have to say is that I loved Glitch, I love Glitch and I will be forever grieving over the End of Ur.


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snygyst snygyst added camicami as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Getting ready for the end, this time for real. Oh I wish I could go back to Groddle. Thank you, Tiny Speck. I will never forget how you made us better people with one single game.

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I was holding my breath as I waited for Glitch to load. Would everything still be here? Thankfully it is. For a little bit longer. Love you Glitch. Love you Glitchen and DEVs and staff. And the tears are starting again. I feel honored to have played the game. And I feel that it has made me a better person. So many wonderful memories.....

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We're all in this together, till the very end. ((hugs)) Thank you for helping make the game wonderful.

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The first emblem I ever got was Zille's.

How I miss those carefree days.
Farewell, Glitch (a love letter)
These past few days have been heart-wrenching -- knowing the end of Ur is so near. The giants will stop imagining, drifting off to dreamless sleep; glitchen and animals alike, frozen in time until forever and never.
I wish I could save Ur. I am but a glitch, I am powerless.
Outside of Ur, however, I am a Giant. And so are you, so is everyone who ever loved this wonderful universe. I will remember and, one day, I too will imagine.
I loved you, Glitch. I love you, Glitch.
I cannot contain my tears.
Farewell, Glitch (a love letter)
These past few days have been heart-wrenching -- knowing the end of Ur is so near. The giants will stop imagining, drifting off to dreamless sleep; glitchen and animals alike, frozen in time until forever and never.

I wish I could save Ur. I am but a glitch, I am powerless.

Outside of Ur, however, I am a Giant. And so are you, so is everyone who ever loved this wonderful universe. I will remember and, one day, I too will imagine.

I loved you, Glitch. I love you, Glitch.

I cannot contain my tears.

Farewell, Glitch (a love letter)
These past few days have been heart-wrenching -- knowing the end of Ur is so near. The giants will stop imagining, drifting off to dreamless sleep; glitchen and animals alike, frozen in time until forever and never.

I wish I could save Ur. I am but a glitch, I am powerless.

Outside of Ur, however, I am a Giant. And so are you, so is everyone who ever loved this wonderful universe. I will remember and, one day, I too will imagine.

I loved you, Glitch. I love you, Glitch.

I cannot contain my tears.
Abandoned cubimals break my heart
They're like tiny grave markers for the love each of their owners once bore them.

But at least they'll have each other.
Farewell, Glitch (a love letter)
These past few days have been heart-wrenching -- knowing the end of Ur is so near. The giants will stop imagining, drifting off to dreamless sleep; glitchen and animals alike, frozen in time until forever and never.

I wish I could save Ur. I am but a glitch, I am powerless.

Outside of Ur, however, I am a Giant. And so are you, so is everyone who ever loved this wonderful universe. I will remember and, one day, I too will imagine.

I loved you, Glitch. I love you, Glitch.

I cannot contain my tears.
I'm sorry it had to end this way.
All of us players are devastated about losing Glitch, yet you and Tiny Speck bear the greater burden -- to shut down your creation, the game you have been developing for such a long time. I'm so sorry Glitch didn't take off. I'm so sorry that not enough people were this deeply enchanted by this wonderful project. I'm so sorry you had to let your team go. I'm also sorry that I will never get a chance to work in Glitch -- it's the first game I ever thought, "Hey, THIS is a project I would love to work on". To hell with AAA games, to hell with social networks and handheld games. This is where I wished my future would be. So, I'm sorry, but also I am very very thankful for the short time during which Ur was unleashed in the world. Thank you.
Farewell, Glitch (a love letter)
These past few days have been heart-wrenching -- knowing the end of Ur is so near. The giants will stop imagining, drifting off to dreamless sleep; glitchen and animals alike, frozen in time until forever and never.

I wish I could save Ur. I am but a glitch, I am powerless.

Outside of Ur, however, I am a Giant. And so are you, so is everyone who ever loved this wonderful universe. I will remember and, one day, I too will imagine.

I loved you, Glitch. I love you, Glitch.

I cannot contain my tears.

Farewell, Glitch (a love letter)
These past few days have been heart-wrenching -- knowing the end of Ur is so near. The giants will stop imagining, drifting off to dreamless sleep; glitchen and animals alike, frozen in time until forever and never.

I wish I could save Ur. I am but a glitch, I am powerless.

Outside of Ur, however, I am a Giant. And so are you, so is everyone who ever loved this wonderful universe. I will remember and, one day, I too will imagine.

I loved you, Glitch. I love you, Glitch.

I cannot contain my tears.

At least...
At least the animals will have friends when all glitchen disappear forever...