
(Moonday 8th of Eleventy, year 22 ~~Thursday 6th of October, year 2011)

I was given 86,400 seconds today and I am using a few to say thank you for creating Glitch, where I knew I belonged. 03.24.13


Status update

Don't want to spam but if you still need to chat in 10 mins. absolutelypreposterous.com welcome this lovely community. I am going to miss you all. I feel ugh! :(

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Theremina Lute

Lelu - I just want to say thank you again while I have the chance. I'd never have had the guts to publish any of my music if you hadn't produced yours :)

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Status update

Hence, at first I have confused you and Lelu (both great talents!) lol. Salutes ye both, Lelute!

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WHERE'S THE LINK?? sorry, yelling...I think I have it bookmarked anyway...still...

1 reply

Status update

Even at the final minutes, you crack me up! I almost fell off my seat lol.

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1 reply
  1. Minkey

    Thanks! and here, I thought you were referring to my grapefruit habit! I checked and I actually have Absolutely Preposterous bookmarked, second from the top in my Glitch folder. wheeeeee

Status update

To Tiny Speck (Mr. Butterfield, et al): I was given 86,400 seconds today and I am using a few to say thank you, thank you for creating a special world where I knew I belonged. To my Glitchmates: Farewell to you, my friends. How fortunate are we to have been a part of something so unique and wonderful, in that it's so very difficult to say goodbye. HY P.S. If you all need to chat and somehow want to connect, you are all welcome to make your glitchy updates in absolutelypreposterous site. See you soon!

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1 reply
  1. Minkey

    WHERE'S THE LINK?? sorry, yelling...I think I have it bookmarked anyway...still...

    1 reply

Theremina Lute Theremina Lute added Hellyeah as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago