
Imagined just before 6am, Hairday, 7th Septa, Year 16. Into: knitting, crocheting, spinning, MMORPGs, cats, and hidden object games. TMI?


Status update

I wanted to say something really profound here for the top of my profile page, so here goes. ... I didn't want to love this game, I just wanted to have fun. I didn't want to get caught up in a community, I was going to hover on the perimeter. But TS made a game I couldn't help but fall in love with. And the people here (especially you troublemakers, you know who you are) are so wonderful, so understanding, so accepting that I fell in love with you, too. The awakened Giants are playing with our Glitch toys, our cubimals, our play cubes, heck, they're even sampling my herb hybrids. And now, well, now we disperse, a few here, a few there (a few of us kind of everywhere). Now we put our inner glitchen on the outside, where EVERYONE can see it. Because now, we are the Giants. And we will spark that tiny speck of creativity in everyone around us. All my love, kastlin

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1 reply
  1. Minkey

    how sweet!! (the Giants are not playing with any of my cubimals as I've released them alll....) aww, in your Ur, the Giants can re-make my cubimals...I'll miss you!

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I love being the go-to-gal for info, so it was my great pleasure. You always made me smile & giggle when you made a comment about needing me for info. :)

1 reply

Status update

I prefer that arrangement, though I kind of like the tables being turned! {{{hugs}}}

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Princess Fi

Finally reached destination.. Ur's End - 12.09.2012.


At least you didn't sink to the bottom of the sea!


Princess Fi

I shall fade.. With unending love for Glitch and all Glitchen forever in my heart.


Absolutely beautiful, Princess Fi.

1 comment

Princess Fi

Kitchen & Herborium :) and more borccoli..


I should have had you organize my house!!



flask's scavenger hunt
general vapor - end of backyard - from Kalavana
pocket salmen - shelf near back door - from Jal
paper - in front of purple garden - from Choru
Ilmenskie Jones cubimal - with icons - from Axis Denyde
guano - near Ayn Rand doll - from Firabiz Flaunts
chunk of metal rock - near Ayn Rand doll - from Larceny Ladder
teal/white triangle key - upstairs shelf - from Nandak Intention
yellow/purple triangle key - with kitchen tools - from Corridor One (Jethimadh Tower)
essence of purple - at piggy stick - from floor seven (flask's Tower)
- from Lotha Harte
modestly sized ruby - behind oriental screen - from Unnu Slight