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Glitch was the greatest thing. I miss it so much.

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Wow, thank you so much for all the replies!! It may not mean much to you, but for me its like a light in the dark night. I read all of your replies and it was nice to hear that many of you have fought your way through depression. About medication, I don't think that is necessary, its not severe. To be honest, the thought of suicide has not even crossed my mind, I am just worried that I will waste my life in a puddle of sadness. It makes me even sadder to think that a young 12-year old is already struggling with what seems to be depression. But also, I was happy to know that you are satisfied with my decision to talk with my best bud. This might sound a little silly, but I am more comfortable talking with my BFF than with my friend. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it is because I'm afraid my parents will freak out and demand a counselor, no matter how much I tell them that I have no intentions of killing myself. Maybe it is something else. Anyways, thank you all so much, thank you for being the beam of light in my dark sky.

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Hugs to you, Bacon. We're here for you!

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Pale Queen

GUYS GUYS. Inspired by SeerQueen, who was in turn inspired by Vialdana, I made a PUZZLE for you to try. I could do this all day: get to work, people! www.jigidi.com/puzzle.php?i...

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Do Stora Rede! Do Stora Rede!!

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  1. Pale Queen

    Aw man, I couldn't find any Alakol photos among my snaps so I offer instead this different, but equally amazing, mountainous region: www.jigidi.com/puzzle.php?i...

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For those who care, I'm (finally!) working on that screenshot blog post now. I usually marathon these things, so I'll probably have it finished and posted some time late tonight. So far, I get the feeling it'll be of reasonable length and (possibly) interesting.

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Looking forward to reading it, Justin!

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Pale Queen

GUYS GUYS. Inspired by SeerQueen, who was in turn inspired by Vialdana, I made a PUZZLE for you to try. I could do this all day: get to work, people! www.jigidi.com/puzzle.php?i...

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Pale Queen


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OUR POTATO BABIES!! :( Tour of the nursery starts at 4:16: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNU...

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Some babies are born with a silver spoon
...mine were born with a platuminium spork.
Ayn Rand
Don't listen to her, children!