
if you want to keep in touch -


stoot barfield

My home street style for the end


Wonderful. I am so pleased to hear that the vision, dreams and music will live on. It was a wonderful time of it, brought me and my significant other closer together (true story!). I hope that this means new bright and amazing things ahead for you and your faithful crew. And that the words 'Hey, I've got this crazy idea, and it just might work...' Are not far from your lips.

TransplantedEntwife TransplantedEntwife added Reepicheep as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Sadie the Goat

Hi friends! Well it looks like the end is near... I recently got an iPad and I have been playing Happy Street and Draw Something. My Game Central name is Too Ticky (a character from the Moomin books). I don't have a FB account, so that's the only way I can be added. Also, I'd like to make a shameless plug: My older brother Cody Cameron is currently directing "Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2". If you like animated films, it's going to be a fun one! You can see a trailer on YouTube (it hits theaters in September).. note, there's a lot more to the story then what you see. ((hugs to you all)) Sadie xo

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Sadie lovely, I can't find you! Find me -- Reepicheepi

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  1. Sadie the Goat

    Hi Reepicheep, I changed my Game Central name earlier today to Sadie the Goat, for less confusion. I found your request and just added you! I'm happy that so many of you wantted to continue to play games with me (even though none of them will ever hold a candle to Glitch) xo

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Glitch was beautiful and wonderful and will live forever in the memories of those who loved it. I feel so lucky to have been a part of it. Best wishes to all you lovely people.

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Status update

Last chance to see. Goodbye Glitchen. signing off. Catch me on KingdomofLoathing or drop me a line. I shall miss you all and bid you a fond, fond farewell. Be lovely to one another.

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